import type { LogLevel } from 'bunyan'; import type { Range } from 'semver'; import type { HostRule } from '../types'; import type { GitNoVerifyOption } from '../util/git'; export type RenovateConfigStage = | 'global' | 'repository' | 'package' | 'branch' | 'pr'; export type RepositoryCacheConfig = 'disabled' | 'enabled' | 'reset'; export interface GroupConfig extends Record { branchName?: string; branchTopic?: string; } // TODO: Proper typings export interface RenovateSharedConfig { $schema?: string; automerge?: boolean; automergeStrategy?: MergeStrategy; branchPrefix?: string; branchName?: string; manager?: string; commitMessage?: string; commitMessagePrefix?: string; draftPR?: boolean; enabled?: boolean; enabledManagers?: string[]; extends?: string[]; fileMatch?: string[]; group?: GroupConfig; groupName?: string; groupSlug?: string; includePaths?: string[]; ignoreDeps?: string[]; ignorePaths?: string[]; ignoreTests?: boolean; labels?: string[]; addLabels?: string[]; dependencyDashboardApproval?: boolean; hashedBranchLength?: number; npmrc?: string; platform?: string; postUpgradeTasks?: PostUpgradeTasks; prBodyColumns?: string[]; prBodyDefinitions?: Record; prCreation?: 'immediate' | 'not-pending' | 'status-success' | 'approval'; productLinks?: Record; prPriority?: number; rebaseLabel?: string; rebaseWhen?: string; recreateClosed?: boolean; repository?: string; repositoryCache?: RepositoryCacheConfig; schedule?: string[]; semanticCommits?: 'auto' | 'enabled' | 'disabled'; semanticCommitScope?: string; semanticCommitType?: string; suppressNotifications?: string[]; timezone?: string; unicodeEmoji?: boolean; gitIgnoredAuthors?: string[]; } // Config options used only within the global worker // The below should contain config options where stage=global export interface GlobalOnlyConfig { autodiscover?: boolean; autodiscoverFilter?: string; baseDir?: string; cacheDir?: string; forceCli?: boolean; gitNoVerify?: GitNoVerifyOption[]; gitPrivateKey?: string; logFile?: string; logFileLevel?: LogLevel; prCommitsPerRunLimit?: number; privateKeyPath?: string; redisUrl?: string; repositories?: RenovateRepository[]; } // Config options used within the repository worker, but not user configurable // The below should contain config options where globalOnly=true export interface RepoGlobalConfig { allowCustomCrateRegistries?: boolean; allowPostUpgradeCommandTemplating?: boolean; allowScripts?: boolean; allowedPostUpgradeCommands?: string[]; binarySource?: 'docker' | 'global'; customEnvVariables?: Record; dockerChildPrefix?: string; dockerImagePrefix?: string; dockerUser?: string; dryRun?: boolean; exposeAllEnv?: boolean; migratePresets?: Record; privateKey?: string; privateKeyOld?: string; localDir?: string; cacheDir?: string; } export interface LegacyAdminConfig { endpoint?: string; localDir?: string; logContext?: string; onboarding?: boolean; onboardingBranch?: string; onboardingCommitMessage?: string; onboardingPrTitle?: string; onboardingConfig?: RenovateSharedConfig; onboardingConfigFileName?: string; platform?: string; requireConfig?: boolean; } export type ExecutionMode = 'branch' | 'update'; export type PostUpgradeTasks = { commands?: string[]; fileFilters?: string[]; executionMode: ExecutionMode; }; type UpdateConfig = Partial>; export type RenovateRepository = | string | { repository: string; secrets?: Record; }; export interface CustomManager { fileMatch: string[]; matchStrings: string[]; matchStringsStrategy?: string; depNameTemplate?: string; datasourceTemplate?: string; lookupNameTemplate?: string; versioningTemplate?: string; } // TODO: Proper typings export interface RenovateConfig extends LegacyAdminConfig, RenovateSharedConfig, UpdateConfig, AssigneesAndReviewersConfig, Record { depName?: string; baseBranches?: string[]; baseBranch?: string; defaultBranch?: string; branchList?: string[]; description?: string | string[]; force?: RenovateConfig; errors?: ValidationMessage[]; gitAuthor?: string; hostRules?: HostRule[]; ignorePresets?: string[]; includeForks?: boolean; isFork?: boolean; fileList?: string[]; configWarningReuseIssue?: boolean; dependencyDashboard?: boolean; dependencyDashboardAutoclose?: boolean; dependencyDashboardChecks?: Record; dependencyDashboardIssue?: number; dependencyDashboardRebaseAllOpen?: boolean; dependencyDashboardTitle?: string; dependencyDashboardHeader?: string; dependencyDashboardFooter?: string; dependencyDashboardLabels?: string[]; packageFile?: string; packageRules?: PackageRule[]; postUpdateOptions?: string[]; prConcurrentLimit?: number; prHourlyLimit?: number; registryUrls?: string[]; repoIsOnboarded?: boolean; updateType?: UpdateType; warnings?: ValidationMessage[]; vulnerabilityAlerts?: RenovateSharedConfig; regexManagers?: CustomManager[]; fetchReleaseNotes?: boolean; secrets?: Record; } export interface AllConfig extends RenovateConfig, GlobalOnlyConfig {} export interface AssigneesAndReviewersConfig { assigneesFromCodeOwners?: boolean; assignees?: string[]; assigneesSampleSize?: number; reviewersFromCodeOwners?: boolean; reviewers?: string[]; reviewersSampleSize?: number; additionalReviewers?: string[]; filterUnavailableUsers?: boolean; } export type UpdateType = | 'major' | 'minor' | 'patch' | 'pin' | 'digest' | 'lockFileMaintenance' | 'lockfileUpdate' | 'rollback' | 'bump'; export type MatchStringsStrategy = 'any' | 'recursive' | 'combination'; export type MergeStrategy = | 'auto' | 'fast-forward' | 'merge-commit' | 'rebase' | 'squash'; // TODO: Proper typings export interface PackageRule extends RenovateSharedConfig, UpdateConfig, Record { matchFiles?: string[]; matchPaths?: string[]; matchLanguages?: string[]; matchBaseBranches?: string[]; matchManagers?: string | string[]; matchDatasources?: string[]; matchDepTypes?: string[]; matchPackageNames?: string[]; matchPackagePatterns?: string[]; matchPackagePrefixes?: string[]; excludePackageNames?: string[]; excludePackagePatterns?: string[]; excludePackagePrefixes?: string[]; matchCurrentVersion?: string | Range; matchSourceUrlPrefixes?: string[]; matchUpdateTypes?: UpdateType[]; } export interface ValidationMessage { topic: string; message: string; } export interface RenovateOptionBase { /** * If true, the option can only be configured by people with access to the Renovate instance. * Furthermore, the option should be documented in docs/usage/ */ globalOnly?: boolean; allowedValues?: string[]; allowString?: boolean; cli?: boolean; description: string; env?: false | string; /** * Do not validate object children */ freeChoice?: boolean; mergeable?: boolean; autogenerated?: boolean; name: string; parent?: 'hostRules' | 'packageRules' | 'postUpgradeTasks' | 'regexManagers'; // used by tests relatedOptions?: string[]; releaseStatus?: 'alpha' | 'beta' | 'unpublished'; stage?: RenovateConfigStage; } export interface RenovateArrayOption< T extends string | number | Record = Record > extends RenovateOptionBase { default?: T[]; mergeable?: boolean; type: 'array'; subType?: 'string' | 'object' | 'number'; } export interface RenovateStringArrayOption extends RenovateArrayOption { format?: 'regex'; subType: 'string'; } export interface RenovateNumberArrayOption extends RenovateArrayOption { subType: 'number'; } export interface RenovateBooleanOption extends RenovateOptionBase { default?: boolean; type: 'boolean'; } export interface RenovateIntegerOption extends RenovateOptionBase { default?: number; type: 'integer'; } export interface RenovateStringOption extends RenovateOptionBase { default?: string; format?: 'regex'; // Not used replaceLineReturns?: boolean; type: 'string'; } export interface RenovateObjectOption extends RenovateOptionBase { default?: any; additionalProperties?: Record | boolean; mergeable?: boolean; type: 'object'; } export type RenovateOptions = | RenovateStringOption | RenovateNumberArrayOption | RenovateStringArrayOption | RenovateIntegerOption | RenovateBooleanOption | RenovateArrayOption | RenovateObjectOption; export interface PackageRuleInputConfig extends Record { versioning?: string; packageFile?: string; depType?: string; depTypes?: string[]; depName?: string; currentValue?: string; currentVersion?: string; lockedVersion?: string; updateType?: UpdateType; isBump?: boolean; sourceUrl?: string; language?: string; baseBranch?: string; manager?: string; datasource?: string; packageRules?: (PackageRule & PackageRuleInputConfig)[]; } export interface MigratedConfig { isMigrated: boolean; migratedConfig: RenovateConfig; } export interface MigratedRenovateConfig extends RenovateConfig { endpoints?: HostRule[]; pathRules: PackageRule[]; packages: PackageRule[]; node?: RenovateConfig; travis?: RenovateConfig; } export interface ValidationResult { errors: ValidationMessage[]; warnings: ValidationMessage[]; }