import type { HostRule } from '../../../types'; import { add, clear } from '../../../util/host-rules'; import { findAllAuthenticatable, getAuthenticationHeaderValue, } from './host-rules'; describe('modules/manager/bundler/host-rules', () => { beforeEach(() => { clear(); }); describe('getAuthenticationHeaderValue()', () => { it('returns the authentication header with the password', () => { expect( getAuthenticationHeaderValue({ username: 'test', password: 'password', }) ).toBe('test:password'); }); it('returns the authentication header with the token', () => { expect( getAuthenticationHeaderValue({ token: 'token', }) ).toBe('token'); }); }); describe('findAllAuthenticatable()', () => { let hostRule: HostRule; beforeEach(() => { hostRule = { hostType: 'nuget', matchHost: '', username: 'root', password: 'p4$$w0rd', token: 'token', }; }); it('returns an empty array if matchHost is missing', () => { delete hostRule.matchHost; add(hostRule); expect( findAllAuthenticatable({ hostType: 'nuget' } as any) ).toBeEmptyArray(); }); it('returns an empty array if username is missing and password is present', () => { delete hostRule.username; delete hostRule.token; add(hostRule); expect( findAllAuthenticatable({ hostType: 'nuget' } as any) ).toBeEmptyArray(); }); it('returns an empty array if password and token are missing', () => { delete hostRule.password; delete hostRule.token; add(hostRule); expect( findAllAuthenticatable({ hostType: 'nuget' } as any) ).toBeEmptyArray(); }); it('returns the hostRule if using matchHost and password', () => { delete hostRule.token; add(hostRule); expect( findAllAuthenticatable({ hostType: 'nuget' } as any) ).toMatchObject([hostRule]); }); it('returns the hostRule if using matchHost and token', () => { delete hostRule.password; add(hostRule); expect( findAllAuthenticatable({ hostType: 'nuget' } as any) ).toMatchObject([hostRule]); }); it('returns the hostRule if using baseUrl and password', () => { hostRule.matchHost = ''; add(hostRule); expect( findAllAuthenticatable({ hostType: 'nuget' } as any) ).toMatchObject([hostRule]); }); it('returns the hostRule if using baseUrl and token', () => { hostRule.matchHost = ''; add(hostRule); expect( findAllAuthenticatable({ hostType: 'nuget' } as any) ).toMatchObject([hostRule]); }); }); });