import RE2 from 're2'; import { CONFIG_VALIDATION } from '../constants/error-messages'; import { isUUID, regEx } from './regex'; describe('util/regex', () => { beforeEach(() => { jest.resetModules(); }); it('uses RE2', () => { expect(regEx('foo')).toBeInstanceOf(RE2); }); it('throws unsafe 2', () => { expect(() => regEx(`x++`)).toThrow(CONFIG_VALIDATION); }); it('reuses flags from regex', () => { expect(regEx(/foo/i).flags).toBe('iu'); }); it('caches non-stateful regex', () => { expect(regEx('foo')).toBe(regEx('foo')); expect(regEx('foo', 'm')).toBe(regEx('foo', 'm')); }); it('does not cache stateful regex', () => { expect(regEx('foo', 'g')).not.toBe(regEx('foo', 'g')); expect(regEx(/bar/g)).not.toBe(/bar/g); }); it('Falls back to RegExp', () => { jest.doMock('re2', () => { throw new Error(); }); const regex = require('./regex'); expect(regex.regEx('foo')).toBeInstanceOf(RegExp); }); describe('isUUID', () => { it('proper checks valid and invalid UUID strings', () => { expect(isUUID('{90b6646d-1724-4a64-9fd9-539515fe94e9}')).toBe(true); expect(isUUID('not-a-uuid')).toBe(false); }); }); });