const { appName } = require('../../config/app-strings'); module.exports = { ensureMasterIssue, }; // istanbul ignore next function getListItem(branch, type, pr) { let item = ' - [ ] '; item += ``; if (pr) { item += `[${branch.prTitle}](../pull/${pr.number})`; } else { item += branch.prTitle; } const uniquePackages = [ Set( => '`' + upgrade.depName + '`')), ]; if (uniquePackages.length < 2) { return item + '\n'; } return item + ' (' + uniquePackages.join(', ') + ')\n'; } // istanbul ignore next async function ensureMasterIssue(config, branches) { if (!(config.masterIssue || config.masterIssueApproval)) { return; }'Ensuring master issue'); if ( !branches.length || branches.every(branch => branch.res === 'automerged') ) { if (config.masterIssueAutoclose) { logger.debug('Closing master issue'); await platform.ensureIssueClosing(config.masterIssueTitle); return; } await platform.ensureIssue( config.masterIssueTitle, 'This repository is up-to-date and has no outstanding updates open or pending.' ); return; } let issueBody = `This issue contains a list of ${appName} updates and their statuses.\n\n`; const pendingApprovals = branches.filter( branch => branch.res === 'needs-approval' ); if (pendingApprovals.length) { issueBody += '## Pending Approval\n\n'; issueBody += `These PRs will be created by ${appName} only once you click their checkbox below.\n\n`; for (const branch of pendingApprovals) { issueBody += getListItem(branch, 'approve'); } issueBody += '\n'; } const awaitingSchedule = branches.filter( branch => branch.res === 'not-scheduled' ); if (awaitingSchedule.length) { issueBody += '## Awaiting Schedule\n\n'; issueBody += 'These updates are awaiting their schedule. Click on a checkbox to ignore the schedule.\n'; for (const branch of awaitingSchedule) { issueBody += getListItem(branch, 'unschedule'); } issueBody += '\n'; } const rateLimited = branches.filter( branch => branch.res && branch.res.endsWith('pr-hourly-limit-reached') ); if (rateLimited.length) { issueBody += '## Rate Limited\n\n'; issueBody += 'These updates are currently rate limited. Click on a checkbox below to override.\n\n'; for (const branch of rateLimited) { issueBody += getListItem(branch, 'unlimit'); } issueBody += '\n'; } const errorList = branches.filter( branch => branch.res && branch.res.endsWith('error') ); if (errorList.length) { issueBody += '## Errored\n\n'; issueBody += 'These updates encountered an error and will be retried. Click a checkbox below to force a retry now.\n\n'; for (const branch of errorList) { issueBody += getListItem(branch, 'retry'); } issueBody += '\n'; } const prEdited = branches.filter(branch => branch.res === 'pr-edited'); if (prEdited.length) { issueBody += '## Edited/Blocked\n\n'; issueBody += `These updates have been manually edited so ${appName} will no longer make changes. To discard all commits and start over, check the box below.\n\n`; for (const branch of prEdited) { const pr = await platform.getBranchPr(branch.branchName); issueBody += getListItem(branch, 'rebase', pr); } issueBody += '\n'; } const otherRes = [ 'needs-approval', 'not-scheduled', 'pr-hourly-limit-reached', 'already-existed', 'error', 'automerged', 'pr-edited', ]; const inProgress = branches.filter(branch => !otherRes.includes(branch.res)); if (inProgress.length) { issueBody += '## Open\n\n'; issueBody += 'These updates have all been created already. Click a checkbox below to force a retry/rebase of any.\n\n'; for (const branch of inProgress) { const pr = await platform.getBranchPr(branch.branchName); issueBody += getListItem(branch, 'rebase', pr); } issueBody += '\n'; } const alreadyExisted = branches.filter( branch => branch.res && branch.res.endsWith('already-existed') ); if (alreadyExisted.length) { issueBody += '## Closed/Ignored\n\n'; issueBody += 'These updates were closed unmerged and will not be recreated unless you click a checkbox below.\n\n'; for (const branch of alreadyExisted) { const pr = await platform.findPr( branch.branchName, branch.prTitle, '!open' ); issueBody += getListItem(branch, 'recreate', pr); } issueBody += '\n'; } await platform.ensureIssue(config.masterIssueTitle, issueBody); }