const jsonValidator = require('json-dup-key-validator'); const apis = require('../../../lib/workers/repository/apis'); const logger = require('../../_fixtures/logger'); const githubApi = require('../../../lib/api/github'); const gitlabApi = require('../../../lib/api/gitlab'); const npmApi = require('../../../lib/api/npm'); const defaultConfig = require('../../../lib/config/defaults').getConfig(); jest.mock('../../../lib/api/github'); jest.mock('../../../lib/api/gitlab'); jest.mock('../../../lib/api/npm'); describe('workers/repository/apis', () => { describe('setNpmrc(config)', () => { it('Skips if npmrc not found', async () => { const config = { api: { getFileContent: jest.fn(), }, }; await apis.setNpmrc(config); }); it('Parses if npmrc found', async () => { const config = { api: { getFileContent: jest.fn(() => 'a = b'), }, logger, }; await apis.setNpmrc(config); }); it('Catches errors', async () => { const config = { api: { getFileContent: jest.fn(() => { throw new Error('file error'); }), }, logger, }; await apis.setNpmrc(config); }); }); describe('detectSemanticCommits', () => { it('disables semantic commits', async () => { const config = { api: { getCommitMessages: jest.fn(() => []), }, logger, }; const res = await apis.detectSemanticCommits(config); expect(res).toEqual(false); }); it('enables semantic commits', async () => { const config = { api: { getCommitMessages: jest.fn(() => []), }, logger, }; config.api.getCommitMessages.mockReturnValueOnce(['fix: something']); const res = await apis.detectSemanticCommits(config); expect(res).toEqual(true); }); }); describe('checkForLerna(config)', () => { it('swallows lerna 404', async () => { const config = { api: { getFileJson: jest.fn(() => ({})), getSubDirectories: jest.fn(() => { throw new Error('some-error'); }), }, logger, }; const res = await apis.checkForLerna(config); expect(res).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('ignores zero length lerna', async () => { const config = { api: { getFileJson: jest.fn(() => ({ packages: ['packages/*'] })), getSubDirectories: jest.fn(() => []), }, logger, }; const res = await apis.checkForLerna(config); expect(res).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('implies lerna package path', async () => { const config = { api: { getFileJson: jest.fn(() => ({})), getSubDirectories: jest.fn(() => ['a', 'b']), }, logger, }; const res = await apis.checkForLerna(config); expect(res).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('returns lerna package names', async () => { const config = { api: { getFileJson: jest.fn(() => ({ packages: ['packages/*'] })), getSubDirectories: jest.fn(() => ['a', 'b']), }, logger, }; const res = await apis.checkForLerna(config); expect(res).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); describe('initApis(config)', () => { beforeEach(() => { jest.resetAllMocks(); }); it('returns github api', async () => { const config = { logger, platform: 'github', semanticCommits: null }; const res = await apis.initApis(config); expect(res.platform).toEqual('github'); expect(githubApi.initRepo.mock.calls.length).toBe(1); expect(gitlabApi.initRepo.mock.calls.length).toBe(0); expect(npmApi.setNpmrc.mock.calls.length).toBe(1); }); it('returns gitlab api', async () => { const config = { logger, platform: 'gitlab' }; const res = await apis.initApis(config); expect(res.platform).toEqual('gitlab'); expect(githubApi.initRepo.mock.calls.length).toBe(0); expect(gitlabApi.initRepo.mock.calls.length).toBe(1); expect(npmApi.setNpmrc.mock.calls.length).toBe(1); }); it('throws if unknown platform', async () => { const config = { platform: 'foo' }; let e; try { await apis.initApis(config); } catch (err) { e = err; } expect(e.message).toMatchSnapshot(); expect(githubApi.initRepo.mock.calls.length).toBe(0); expect(gitlabApi.initRepo.mock.calls.length).toBe(0); expect(npmApi.setNpmrc.mock.calls.length).toBe(0); }); }); describe('mergeRenovateJson(config)', () => { let config; beforeEach(() => { config = { errors: [], warnings: [], api: { getFileContent: jest.fn(), }, logger, }; }); it('returns same config if no renovate.json found', async () => { expect(await apis.mergeRenovateJson(config)).toEqual(config); }); it('returns extended config if renovate.json found', async () => { config.api.getFileContent.mockReturnValueOnce('{ "enabled": true }'); const returnConfig = await apis.mergeRenovateJson(config); expect(returnConfig.enabled).toBe(true); expect(returnConfig.renovateJsonPresent).toBe(true); expect(returnConfig.errors).toHaveLength(0); }); it('returns warning + error plus extended config if unknown keys', async () => { config.repoIsOnboarded = true; config.api.getFileContent.mockReturnValueOnce( '{ "enabled": true, "foo": false, "maintainYarnLock": true, "schedule": "before 5am", "minor": {} }' ); const returnConfig = await apis.mergeRenovateJson(config); expect(returnConfig.enabled).toBe(true); expect(returnConfig.renovateJsonPresent).toBe(true); expect(returnConfig.errors).toHaveLength(0); // TODO: Update to 1 later expect(returnConfig.errors).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('returns error plus extended config if duplicate keys', async () => { config.repoIsOnboarded = true; config.api.getFileContent.mockReturnValueOnce( '{ "enabled": true, "enabled": false }' ); const returnConfig = await apis.mergeRenovateJson(config); expect(returnConfig.enabled).toBe(false); expect(returnConfig.renovateJsonPresent).toBe(true); expect(returnConfig.errors).toHaveLength(1); expect(returnConfig.errors).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('returns error in config if renovate.json cannot be parsed', async () => { config.api.getFileContent.mockReturnValueOnce('{ enabled: true }'); const returnConfig = await apis.mergeRenovateJson(config); expect(returnConfig.enabled).toBeUndefined(); expect(returnConfig.renovateJsonPresent).toBeUndefined(); expect(returnConfig.errors).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('returns error in JSON.parse', async () => { config.api.getFileContent.mockReturnValueOnce('{ enabled: true }'); jsonValidator.validate = jest.fn(); jsonValidator.validate.mockReturnValueOnce(false); jsonValidator.validate.mockReturnValueOnce(false); const returnConfig = await apis.mergeRenovateJson(config); expect(; expect(returnConfig.renovateJsonPresent).toBeUndefined(); expect(returnConfig.errors).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); describe('detectPackageFiles(config)', () => { it('adds package files to object', async () => { const config = { api: { findFilePaths: jest.fn(() => [ 'package.json', 'backend/package.json', ]), }, logger, warnings: [], }; const res = await apis.detectPackageFiles(config); expect(res).toMatchObject(config); expect(res.packageFiles).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('ignores node modules', async () => { const config = { ignoreNodeModules: true, api: { findFilePaths: jest.fn(() => [ 'package.json', 'node_modules/backend/package.json', ]), }, logger, warnings: [], }; const res = await apis.detectPackageFiles(config); expect(res.packageFiles).toMatchSnapshot(); expect(res.foundNodeModules).toMatchSnapshot(); expect(res.warnings).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('defaults to package.json if found', async () => { const config = { api: { findFilePaths: jest.fn(() => []), getFileJson: jest.fn(() => ({})), }, logger, }; const res = await apis.detectPackageFiles(config); expect(res.packageFiles).toHaveLength(1); expect(res.packageFiles).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('returns empty if package.json not found', async () => { const config = { api: { findFilePaths: jest.fn(() => []), getFileJson: jest.fn(() => null), }, logger, }; const res = await apis.detectPackageFiles(config); expect(res.packageFiles).toEqual([]); }); }); describe('resolvePackageFiles', () => { let config; beforeEach(() => { config = { packageFiles: ['package.json', { packageFile: 'a/package.json' }], api: { getFileContent: jest.fn(), getFileJson: jest.fn(), }, logger, }; }); it('skips files with no content', async () => { const res = await apis.resolvePackageFiles(config); expect(res.packageFiles).toEqual([]); }); it('includes files with content', async () => { config.api.getFileJson.mockReturnValueOnce({ renovate: {} }); config.api.getFileJson.mockReturnValueOnce({}); config.api.getFileContent.mockReturnValueOnce(true); config.api.getFileContent.mockReturnValueOnce(true); const res = await apis.resolvePackageFiles(config); expect(res.packageFiles).toHaveLength(2); expect(res.packageFiles).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); }); describe('migrateAndValidate', () => { it('returns empty config', () => { const renovateJson = {}; const res = apis.migrateAndValidate(defaultConfig, renovateJson); expect(res).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('massages string to array', () => { const renovateJson = { schedule: 'before 5am', }; const res = apis.migrateAndValidate(defaultConfig, renovateJson); expect(Array.isArray(res.schedule)).toBe(true); }); });