const logger = require('../../logger'); const fs = require('fs'); const cp = require('child_process'); const tmp = require('tmp'); const path = require('path'); module.exports = { generateLockFile, getLockFile, maintainLockFile, }; const yarnVersion = '0.27.5'; async function generateLockFile( newPackageJson, npmrcContent, yarnrcContent, cacheFolder ) { logger.debug('Generating new yarn.lock file'); const tmpDir = tmp.dirSync({ unsafeCleanup: true }); let yarnLock; try { fs.writeFileSync(path.join(, 'package.json'), newPackageJson); if (npmrcContent) { fs.writeFileSync(path.join(, '.npmrc'), npmrcContent); } if (yarnrcContent) { const filteredYarnrc = yarnrcContent.replace( '--install.pure-lockfile true', '' ); fs.writeFileSync(path.join(, '.yarnrc'), filteredYarnrc); } logger.debug('Spawning yarn install'); // Use an embedded yarn const yarnBin = path.join( __dirname, '../../../bin', `yarn-${yarnVersion}.js` ); const yarnOptions = [yarnBin, 'install', '--ignore-scripts']; if (cacheFolder && cacheFolder.length) { logger.debug(`Setting yarn cache folder to ${cacheFolder}`); yarnOptions.push(`--cache-folder ${cacheFolder}`); } const result = cp.spawnSync('node', yarnOptions, { cwd:, shell: true, env: Object.assign({}, process.env, { NODE_ENV: 'dev' }), }); logger.debug(String(result.stdout)); logger.debug(String(result.stderr)); yarnLock = fs.readFileSync(path.join(, 'yarn.lock')); } catch (error) /* istanbul ignore next */ { try { tmpDir.removeCallback(); } catch (err2) { logger.warn(`Failed to remove tmpDir ${}`); } throw error; } try { tmpDir.removeCallback(); } catch (err2) { logger.warn(`Failed to remove tmpDir ${}`); } return yarnLock; } async function getLockFile(packageFile, packageContent, api, cacheFolder) { // Detect if a yarn.lock file is in use const yarnLockFileName = path.join(path.dirname(packageFile), 'yarn.lock'); if (!await api.getFileContent(yarnLockFileName)) { return null; } // Copy over custom config commitFiles const npmrcContent = await api.getFileContent('.npmrc'); const yarnrcContent = await api.getFileContent('.yarnrc'); // Generate yarn.lock using shell command const newYarnLockContent = await module.exports.generateLockFile( packageContent, npmrcContent, yarnrcContent, cacheFolder ); // Return file object return { name: yarnLockFileName, contents: newYarnLockContent, }; } async function maintainLockFile(inputConfig) { logger.trace({ config: inputConfig }, `maintainLockFile`); const packageContent = await inputConfig.api.getFileContent( inputConfig.packageFile ); const yarnLockFileName = path.join( path.dirname(inputConfig.packageFile), 'yarn.lock' ); logger.debug(`Checking for ${yarnLockFileName}`); let existingYarnLock = await inputConfig.api.getFileContent( yarnLockFileName, inputConfig.branchName ); if (!existingYarnLock) { existingYarnLock = await inputConfig.api.getFileContent(yarnLockFileName); } logger.trace(`existingYarnLock:\n${existingYarnLock}`); if (!existingYarnLock) { return null; } logger.debug('Found existing yarn.lock file'); const newYarnLock = await module.exports.getLockFile( inputConfig.packageFile, packageContent, inputConfig.api, inputConfig.yarnCacheFolder ); logger.trace(`newYarnLock:\n${newYarnLock.contents}`); if (existingYarnLock.toString() === newYarnLock.contents.toString()) { logger.debug('Yarn lock file does not need updating'); return null; } logger.debug('Yarn lock needs updating'); return newYarnLock; }