--- roles: # Install a role from Ansible Galaxy. - name: geerlingguy.java version: 1.9.6 - name: geerlingguy.docker version: 2.9.0 collections: # Install a collection from Ansible Galaxy. - name: geerlingguy.php_roles version: 0.9.3 source: https://galaxy.ansible.com - name: davidban77.gns3 version: 1.2.2 type: galaxy # explicit github repo - name: https://github.com/organization/repo_name.git version: 1.2.2 type: git # explicit git repo - name: https://example.com/organization/repo_name.git version: 1.2.2 type: git # appendix style version definition - name: https://example.com/organization/repo_name.git,1.2.2 # non standard registry url - name: f5networks.f5_modules source: https://cloud.redhat.com/api/automation-hub/ # fails to import: no version supplied - name: https://foo.bar/organization/repo_name.git type: git # fails to guess dependency type - name: fooBar version: 1.0.0 # fails as URL and file are not supported - name: foo.Bar type: url # fails as URL and file are not supported - name: foo.Bar type: file # abort if there is a unknown key - name: https://example.com/organization/repo_name.git example: "test" version: 1.2.2 type: git