const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); function template(name, subdir = 'default/') { const shortName = `${name.replace(/([A-Z])/g, '-$1').toLowerCase()}.hbs`; const hbsContents = fs.readFileSync( // Long path is so that it works whether code is run from lib or dist path.resolve(__dirname, '../config/templates/', subdir, shortName), 'utf8' ); // Strip off any trailing line break return hbsContents.replace(/\r?\n$/, ''); } module.exports = { getOptions, }; const options = [ { name: 'extends', description: 'Configuration presets to use/extend', stage: 'package', type: 'list', allowString: true, cli: false, }, { name: 'description', description: 'Plain text description for a config or preset', type: 'list', allowString: true, mergeable: true, cli: false, env: false, }, { name: 'enabled', description: 'Enable or disable renovate', stage: 'package', type: 'boolean', cli: false, env: false, }, // Log options { name: 'logLevel', description: 'Logging level', stage: 'global', type: 'string', default: 'info', env: 'LOG_LEVEL', }, { name: 'logFile', description: 'Log file path', stage: 'global', type: 'string', }, { name: 'logFileLevel', description: 'Log file log level', stage: 'global', type: 'string', default: 'debug', }, // Onboarding { name: 'onboarding', description: 'Require a Configuration PR first', stage: 'repository', type: 'boolean', }, { name: 'renovateFork', description: 'Whether to renovate a forked repository or not.', stage: 'repository', type: 'boolean', default: false, }, // encryption { name: 'privateKey', description: 'Server-side private key', stage: 'repository', type: 'string', replaceLineReturns: true, }, { name: 'encrypted', description: 'A configuration object containing configuration encrypted with project key. Valid inside renovate.json only', stage: 'repository', type: 'json', default: null, }, // Scheduling { name: 'timezone', description: '[IANA Time Zone](', type: 'string', }, { name: 'schedule', description: 'Times of day/week to renovate', type: 'list', allowString: true, cli: false, env: false, }, { name: 'updateNotScheduled', description: 'Whether to update (but not create) branches when not scheduled', stage: 'branch', type: 'boolean', }, { name: 'onboarding', description: 'Require a Configuration PR first', stage: 'repository', type: 'boolean', }, { name: 'platform', description: 'Platform type of repository', stage: 'repository', type: 'string', default: 'github', }, { name: 'endpoint', description: 'Custom endpoint to use', stage: 'repository', type: 'string', }, { name: 'token', description: 'Repository Auth Token', stage: 'repository', type: 'string', }, { name: 'npmrc', description: 'String copy of npmrc file. Use \\n instead of line breaks', stage: 'branch', type: 'string', }, { name: 'yarnrc', description: 'String copy of yarnrc file. Use \\n instead of line breaks', stage: 'branch', type: 'string', }, { name: 'ignoreNpmrcFile', description: 'Whether to ignore any .npmrc file found in repository', stage: 'packageFile', type: 'boolean', default: false, }, { name: 'autodiscover', description: 'Autodiscover all repositories', stage: 'repository', type: 'boolean', default: false, }, { name: 'autodiscover', description: 'Autodiscover all repositories', stage: 'repository', type: 'boolean', default: false, }, { name: 'repositories', description: 'List of Repositories', stage: 'global', type: 'list', cli: false, }, { name: 'baseBranch', description: 'Base branch to target for Pull Requests. Otherwise default branch is used', stage: 'repository', type: 'string', cli: false, env: false, }, { name: 'packageFiles', description: 'Package file paths', type: 'list', stage: 'branch', }, { name: 'ignorePaths', description: 'Skip any package.json whose path matches one of these. Can be string or glob pattern', type: 'list', stage: 'repository', default: ['**/node_modules/**'], }, { name: 'dependencies', description: 'Configuration specifically for `package.json`>`dependencies`', stage: 'packageFile', type: 'json', default: { semanticPrefix: 'fix(deps):' }, mergeable: true, cli: false, }, { name: 'devDependencies', description: 'Configuration specifically for `package.json`>`devDependencies`', stage: 'packageFile', type: 'json', default: {}, mergeable: true, cli: false, }, { name: 'optionalDependencies', description: 'Configuration specifically for `package.json`>`optionalDependencies`', stage: 'packageFile', type: 'json', default: {}, mergeable: true, cli: false, }, { name: 'peerDependencies', description: 'Configuration specifically for `package.json`>`peerDependencies`', stage: 'packageFile', type: 'json', default: { enabled: false }, mergeable: true, cli: false, }, // depType { name: 'ignoreDeps', description: 'Dependencies to ignore', type: 'list', stage: 'depType', }, { name: 'packageRules', description: 'Rules for matching package names', type: 'list', stage: 'depType', mergeable: true, cli: false, env: false, }, { name: 'packageNames', description: 'Package names to match. Valid only within `packageRules` object', type: 'list', allowString: true, stage: 'depType', mergeable: true, cli: false, env: false, }, { name: 'excludePackageNames', description: 'Package names to exclude. Valid only within `packageRules` object', type: 'list', allowString: true, stage: 'depType', mergeable: true, cli: false, env: false, }, { name: 'packagePatterns', description: 'Package name patterns to match. Valid only within `packageRules` object.', type: 'list', allowString: true, stage: 'depType', mergeable: true, cli: false, env: false, }, { name: 'excludePackagePatterns', description: 'Package name patterns to exclude. Valid only within `packageRules` object.', type: 'list', allowString: true, stage: 'depType', mergeable: true, cli: false, env: false, }, // Version behaviour { name: 'pinDigests', description: 'Whether to add digests to Dockerfile source images', stage: 'package', type: 'boolean', }, { name: 'pinVersions', description: 'Convert ranged versions to pinned versions', stage: 'package', type: 'boolean', default: null, }, { name: 'separateMajorReleases', description: 'If set to false, it will upgrade dependencies to latest release only, and not separate major/minor branches', stage: 'package', type: 'boolean', }, { name: 'multipleMajorPrs', description: 'If set to true, PRs will be raised separately for each available major upgrade version', stage: 'package', type: 'boolean', default: false, }, { name: 'separatePatchReleases', description: 'If set to true, it will separate minor and patch updates into separate branches', stage: 'package', type: 'boolean', default: false, }, { name: 'ignoreFuture', description: 'Ignore versions tagged as "future"', stage: 'package', type: 'boolean', }, { name: 'ignoreUnstable', description: 'Ignore versions with unstable semver', stage: 'package', type: 'boolean', }, { name: 'unstablePattern', description: 'Regex for identifying unstable versions (docker only)', stage: 'package', type: 'string', cli: false, env: false, }, { name: 'respectLatest', description: 'Ignore versions newer than npm "latest" version', stage: 'package', type: 'boolean', }, { name: 'branchPrefix', description: 'Prefix to use for all branch names', stage: 'branch', type: 'string', default: 'renovate/', }, // Major/Minor/Patch { name: 'major', description: 'Configuration to apply when an update type is major', stage: 'package', type: 'json', default: {}, cli: false, mergeable: true, }, { name: 'minor', description: 'Configuration to apply when an update type is minor', stage: 'package', type: 'json', default: {}, cli: false, mergeable: true, }, { name: 'patch', description: 'Configuration to apply when an update type is patch. Only applies if `separatePatchReleases` is set to true', stage: 'package', type: 'json', default: { branchName: '{{branchPrefix}}{{depNameSanitized}}-{{newVersionMajor}}.{{newVersionMinor}}.x', }, cli: false, mergeable: true, }, { name: 'pin', description: 'Configuration to apply when an update type is pin.', stage: 'package', type: 'json', default: { unpublishSafe: false, recreateClosed: true, rebaseStalePrs: true, groupName: 'Pin Dependencies', semanticPrefix: 'refactor(deps):', group: { commitMessage: 'Pin Dependencies', prTitle: '{{groupName}}', }, }, cli: false, mergeable: true, }, { name: 'digest', description: 'Configuration to apply when updating a Docker digest (same tag)', stage: 'package', type: 'json', default: { semanticPrefix: 'refactor(deps):', }, cli: false, mergeable: true, }, // Semantic commit / Semantic release { name: 'semanticCommits', description: 'Enable semantic commit prefixes for commits and PR titles', type: 'boolean', default: null, }, { name: 'semanticPrefix', description: 'Prefix to use if semantic commits are enabled', type: 'string', default: 'chore(deps):', }, // PR Behaviour { name: 'recreateClosed', description: 'Recreate PRs even if same ones were closed previously', type: 'boolean', default: false, }, { name: 'rebaseStalePrs', description: 'Rebase stale PRs (GitHub only)', type: 'boolean', default: false, }, { name: 'unpublishSafe', description: 'Set a status check for unpublish-safe upgrades', type: 'boolean', default: false, }, { name: 'prCreation', description: 'When to create the PR for a branch. Values: immediate, not-pending, status-success.', type: 'string', default: 'immediate', }, { name: 'prNotPendingHours', description: 'Timeout in hours for when prCreation=not-pending', type: 'integer', default: 12, }, // Automatic merging { name: 'automerge', description: 'Whether to automerge branches/PRs automatically, without human intervention', type: 'boolean', default: false, }, { name: 'automergeType', description: 'How to automerge - "branch-merge-commit", "branch-push" or "pr". Branch support is GitHub-only', type: 'string', default: 'pr', }, { name: 'requiredStatusChecks', description: 'List of status checks that must pass before automerging. Set to null to enable automerging without tests.', type: 'list', cli: false, env: false, }, // Default templates { name: 'branchName', description: 'Branch name template', type: 'string', default: template('branchName'), cli: false, }, { name: 'commitMessage', description: 'Commit message template', type: 'string', default: template('commitMessage'), cli: false, }, { name: 'prTitle', description: 'Pull Request title template', type: 'string', default: template('prTitle'), cli: false, }, { name: 'prBody', description: 'Pull Request body template', type: 'string', default: template('prBody'), cli: false, }, // Yarn Lock Maintenance { name: 'lockFileMaintenance', description: 'Configuration for lock file maintenance', stage: 'packageFile', type: 'json', default: { enabled: false, recreateClosed: true, branchName: template('branchName', 'lock-file-maintenance'), commitMessage: template('commitMessage', 'lock-file-maintenance'), prTitle: template('prTitle', 'lock-file-maintenance'), prBody: template('prBody', 'lock-file-maintenance'), schedule: ['before 5am on monday'], groupName: null, }, cli: false, mergeable: true, }, // Dependency Groups { name: 'lazyGrouping', description: 'Use group names only when multiple dependencies upgraded', type: 'boolean', default: true, }, { name: 'groupName', description: 'Human understandable name for the dependency group', type: 'string', default: null, }, { name: 'groupSlug', description: 'Slug to use for group (e.g. in branch name). Will be calculated from groupName if null', type: 'string', default: null, cli: false, env: false, }, { name: 'group', description: 'Config if groupName is enabled', type: 'json', default: { recreateClosed: true, branchName: template('branchName', 'group'), commitMessage: template('commitMessage', 'group'), prTitle: template('prTitle', 'group'), prBody: template('prBody', 'group'), }, cli: false, env: false, mergeable: true, }, // Pull Request options { name: 'labels', description: 'Labels to add to Pull Request', type: 'list', }, { name: 'assignees', description: 'Assignees for Pull Request (user name in GitHub/GitLab, email address in VSTS)', type: 'list', }, { name: 'reviewers', description: 'Requested reviewers for Pull Requests (user name in GitHub/GitLab, email or user name in VSTS)', type: 'list', }, { name: 'npm', description: 'Configuration object for npm package.json renovation', stage: 'repository', type: 'json', default: { enabled: true, pin: { automerge: true, }, }, mergeable: true, }, { name: 'meteor', description: 'Configuration object for meteor package.js renovation', stage: 'repository', type: 'json', default: { enabled: true }, mergeable: true, }, { name: 'docker', description: 'Configuration object for Dockerfile renovation', stage: 'repository', type: 'json', default: { enabled: true, branchName: template('branchName', 'docker'), commitMessage: template('commitMessage', 'docker'), prTitle: template('prTitle', 'docker'), prBody: template('prBody', 'docker'), major: { enabled: false }, digest: { branchName: template('branchName', 'docker-digest'), commitMessage: template('commitMessage', 'docker-digest'), prBody: template('prBody', 'docker-digest'), prTitle: template('prTitle', 'docker-digest'), }, pin: { branchName: template('branchName', 'docker-pin'), prTitle: template('prTitle', 'docker-pin'), prBody: template('prBody', 'docker-pin'), groupName: 'Pin Docker Digests', group: { prTitle: template('prTitle', 'docker-pin-group'), prBody: template('prBody', 'docker-pin-group'), }, }, group: { prTitle: template('prTitle', 'docker-group'), prBody: template('prBody', 'docker-group'), }, }, mergeable: true, cli: false, }, ]; function getOptions() { return options; }