import { ECRClient, GetAuthorizationTokenCommand, GetAuthorizationTokenCommandOutput, } from '@aws-sdk/client-ecr'; import { mockClient } from 'aws-sdk-client-mock'; import { getDigest, getPkgReleases } from '..'; import { range } from '../../../../lib/util/range'; import * as httpMock from '../../../../test/http-mock'; import { logger, mocked } from '../../../../test/util'; import { EXTERNAL_HOST_ERROR, PAGE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR, } from '../../../constants/error-messages'; import * as _hostRules from '../../../util/host-rules'; import { Http } from '../../../util/http'; import { DockerDatasource, getAuthHeaders, getRegistryRepository } from '.'; const hostRules = mocked(_hostRules); const http = new Http(; jest.mock('../../../util/host-rules'); const ecrMock = mockClient(ECRClient); const baseUrl = ''; const authUrl = ''; const amazonUrl = ''; function mockEcrAuthResolve( res: Partial = {} ) { ecrMock.on(GetAuthorizationTokenCommand).resolvesOnce(res); } function mockEcrAuthReject(msg: string) { ecrMock.on(GetAuthorizationTokenCommand).rejectsOnce(new Error(msg)); } describe('modules/datasource/docker/index', () => { beforeEach(() => { ecrMock.reset(); hostRules.find.mockReturnValue({ username: 'some-username', password: 'some-password', }); hostRules.hosts.mockReturnValue([]); }); describe('getRegistryRepository', () => { it('handles local registries', () => { const res = getRegistryRepository( 'registry:5000/org/package', '' ); expect(res).toStrictEqual({ dockerRepository: 'org/package', registryHost: 'https://registry:5000', }); }); it('supports registryUrls', () => { const res = getRegistryRepository( 'my.local.registry/prefix/image', 'https://my.local.registry/prefix' ); expect(res).toStrictEqual({ dockerRepository: 'prefix/image', registryHost: 'https://my.local.registry', }); }); it('supports http registryUrls', () => { const res = getRegistryRepository( 'my.local.registry/prefix/image', 'http://my.local.registry/prefix' ); expect(res).toStrictEqual({ dockerRepository: 'prefix/image', registryHost: 'http://my.local.registry', }); }); it('supports schemeless registryUrls', () => { const res = getRegistryRepository( 'my.local.registry/prefix/image', 'my.local.registry/prefix' ); expect(res).toStrictEqual({ dockerRepository: 'prefix/image', registryHost: 'https://my.local.registry', }); }); }); describe('getAuthHeaders', () => { it('throw page not found exception', async () => { httpMock .scope('https://my.local.registry') .get('/v2/repo/tags/list?n=1000') .reply(404, {}); await expect( getAuthHeaders( http, 'https://my.local.registry', 'repo', 'https://my.local.registry/v2/repo/tags/list?n=1000' ) ).rejects.toThrow(PAGE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR); }); it('returns "authType token" if both provided', async () => { httpMock .scope('https://my.local.registry') .get('/v2/', undefined, { badheaders: ['authorization'] }) .reply(401, '', { 'www-authenticate': 'Authenticate you must' }); hostRules.hosts.mockReturnValue([]); hostRules.find.mockReturnValue({ authType: 'some-authType', token: 'some-token', }); const headers = await getAuthHeaders( http, 'https://my.local.registry', 'https://my.local.registry/prefix' ); // do not inline, otherwise we get false positive from codeql expect(headers).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` { "authorization": "some-authType some-token", } `); }); it('returns "Bearer token" if only token provided', async () => { httpMock .scope('https://my.local.registry') .get('/v2/', undefined, { badheaders: ['authorization'] }) .reply(401, '', { 'www-authenticate': 'Authenticate you must' }); hostRules.hosts.mockReturnValue([]); hostRules.find.mockReturnValue({ token: 'some-token', }); const headers = await getAuthHeaders( http, 'https://my.local.registry', 'https://my.local.registry/prefix' ); // do not inline, otherwise we get false positive from codeql expect(headers).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` { "authorization": "Bearer some-token", } `); }); it('fails', async () => { httpMock .scope('https://my.local.registry') .get('/v2/', undefined, { badheaders: ['authorization'] }) .reply(401, '', { 'www-authenticate': 'Authenticate you must' }); hostRules.hosts.mockReturnValue([]); httpMock.clear(false); httpMock .scope('https://my.local.registry') .get('/v2/', undefined, { badheaders: ['authorization'] }) .reply(401, '', {}); const headers = await getAuthHeaders( http, 'https://my.local.registry', 'https://my.local.registry/prefix' ); expect(headers).toBeNull(); }); it('use resources URL and resolve scope in www-authenticate header', async () => { httpMock .scope('https://my.local.registry') .get('/v2/my/node/resource') .reply(401, '', { 'www-authenticate': 'Bearer realm="https://my.local.registry/oauth2/token",service="my.local.registry",scope="repository:my/node:whatever"', }) .get( '/oauth2/token?service=my.local.registry&scope=repository:my/node:whatever' ) .reply(200, { token: 'some-token' }); const headers = await getAuthHeaders( http, 'https://my.local.registry', 'my/node/prefix', 'https://my.local.registry/v2/my/node/resource' ); // do not inline, otherwise we get false positive from codeql expect(headers).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` { "authorization": "Bearer some-token", } `); }); }); describe('getDigest', () => { it('returns null if no token', async () => { httpMock .scope(baseUrl) .get('/', undefined, { badheaders: ['authorization'] }) .reply(200, '', {}) .head('/library/some-dep/manifests/some-new-value', undefined, { badheaders: ['authorization'], }) .reply(401); const res = await getDigest( { datasource: 'docker', packageName: 'some-dep' }, 'some-new-value' ); expect(res).toBeNull(); }); it('returns null if errored', async () => { httpMock .scope(baseUrl) .get('/', undefined, { badheaders: ['authorization'] }) .reply(200, { token: 'abc' }) .head('/library/some-dep/manifests/some-new-value', undefined, { reqheaders: { authorization: 'Bearer abc' }, }) .replyWithError('error'); const res = await getDigest( { datasource: 'docker', packageName: 'some-dep' }, 'some-new-value' ); expect(res).toBeNull(); }); it('returns null if empty header', async () => { httpMock .scope(baseUrl) .get('/', undefined, { badheaders: ['authorization'] }) .reply(200, { token: 'some-token' }) .head('/library/some-dep/manifests/some-new-value') .reply(200, undefined, { 'docker-content-digest': '' }); const res = await getDigest( { datasource: 'docker', packageName: 'some-dep' }, 'some-new-value' ); expect(res).toBeNull(); }); it('returns digest', async () => { httpMock .scope(baseUrl) .get('/') .reply(401, '', { 'www-authenticate': 'Bearer realm="",service="",scope="repository:library/some-dep:pull"', }) .head('/library/some-dep/manifests/latest') .reply(200, {}, { 'docker-content-digest': 'some-digest' }); httpMock .scope(authUrl) .get( '/token?' ) .reply(200, { token: 'some-token' }); hostRules.find.mockReturnValue({}); const res = await getDigest({ datasource: 'docker', packageName: 'some-dep', }); expect(res).toBe('some-digest'); }); it('falls back to body for digest', async () => { httpMock .scope(baseUrl) .get('/') .twice() .reply(401, '', { 'www-authenticate': 'Bearer realm="",service="",scope="repository:library/some-dep:pull"', }) .head('/library/some-dep/manifests/some-new-value') .reply(200, undefined, {}) .get('/library/some-dep/manifests/some-new-value') .reply( 200, `{ "signatures": [ { "header": { "jwk": { "crv": "P-256", "kid": "DB2X:GSG2:72H3:AE3R:KCMI:Y77E:W7TF:ERHK:V5HR:JJ2Y:YMS6:HFGJ", "kty": "EC", "x": "jyr9-xZBorSC9fhqNsmfU_Ud31wbaZ-bVGz0HmySvbQ", "y": "vkE6qZCCvYRWjSUwgAOvibQx_s8FipYkAiHS0VnAFNs" }, "alg": "ES256" }, "signature": "yUXzEiPzg_SlQlqGW43H6oMgYuz30zSkj2qauQc_kbyI9RQHucYAKs_lBSFaQdDrtgW-1iDZSP9eExKP8ANSyA", "protected": "eyJmb3JtYXRMZW5ndGgiOjgzMDAsImZvcm1hdFRhaWwiOiJDbjAiLCJ0aW1lIjoiMjAxOC0wMi0wNVQxNDoyMDoxOVoifQ" } ] }`, { 'content-type': 'text/plain', } ); httpMock .scope(authUrl) .get( '/token?' ) .twice() .reply(200, { token: 'some-token' }); const res = await getDigest( { datasource: 'docker', packageName: 'some-dep' }, 'some-new-value' ); expect(res).toBe( 'sha256:b3d6068234f3a18ebeedd2dab81e67b6a192e81192a099df4112ecfc7c3be84f' ); }); it('supports docker insecure registry', async () => { httpMock .scope(baseUrl.replace('https', 'http')) .get('/', undefined, { badheaders: ['authorization'] }) .reply(200) .head('/library/some-dep/manifests/latest') .reply(200, '', { 'docker-content-digest': 'some-digest' }); hostRules.find.mockReturnValue({ insecureRegistry: true }); const res = await getDigest({ datasource: 'docker', packageName: 'some-dep', }); expect(res).toBe('some-digest'); }); it('supports basic authentication', async () => { httpMock .scope(baseUrl) .get('/', undefined, { badheaders: ['authorization'] }) .reply(401, '', { 'www-authenticate': 'Basic realm="My Private Docker Registry Server"', }) .head('/library/some-dep/manifests/some-tag') .matchHeader( 'authorization', 'Basic c29tZS11c2VybmFtZTpzb21lLXBhc3N3b3Jk' ) .reply(200, '', { 'docker-content-digest': 'some-digest' }); const res = await getDigest( { datasource: 'docker', packageName: 'some-dep' }, 'some-tag' ); expect(res).toBe('some-digest'); }); it('returns null for 403 with basic authentication', async () => { httpMock .scope(baseUrl) .get('/', undefined, { badheaders: ['authorization'] }) .reply(401, '', { 'www-authenticate': 'Basic realm="My Private Docker Registry Server"', }) .head('/library/some-dep/manifests/some-tag') .reply(403); const res = await getDigest( { datasource: 'docker', packageName: 'some-dep' }, 'some-tag' ); expect(res).toBeNull(); }); it('passes credentials to ECR client', async () => { httpMock .scope(amazonUrl) .get('/') .reply(401, '', { 'www-authenticate': 'Basic realm="My Private Docker Registry Server"', }) .head('/node/manifests/some-tag') .matchHeader('authorization', 'Basic test_token') .reply(200, '', { 'docker-content-digest': 'some-digest' }); mockEcrAuthResolve({ authorizationData: [{ authorizationToken: 'test_token' }], }); expect( await getDigest( { datasource: 'docker', packageName: '', }, 'some-tag' ) ).toBe('some-digest'); const ecr = as ECRClient; expect(await ecr.config.region()).toBe('us-east-1'); expect(await ecr.config.credentials()).toEqual({ accessKeyId: 'some-username', secretAccessKey: 'some-password', }); }); it('passes session token to ECR client', async () => { httpMock .scope(amazonUrl) .get('/') .reply(401, '', { 'www-authenticate': 'Basic realm="My Private Docker Registry Server"', }) .head('/node/manifests/some-tag') .matchHeader('authorization', 'Basic test_token') .reply(200, '', { 'docker-content-digest': 'some-digest' }); hostRules.find.mockReturnValue({ username: 'some-username', password: 'some-password', token: 'some-session-token', }); mockEcrAuthResolve({ authorizationData: [{ authorizationToken: 'test_token' }], }); expect( await getDigest( { datasource: 'docker', packageName: '', }, 'some-tag' ) ).toBe('some-digest'); const ecr = as ECRClient; expect(await ecr.config.region()).toBe('us-east-1'); expect(await ecr.config.credentials()).toEqual({ accessKeyId: 'some-username', secretAccessKey: 'some-password', sessionToken: 'some-session-token', }); }); it('supports ECR authentication', async () => { httpMock .scope(amazonUrl) .get('/') .reply(401, '', { 'www-authenticate': 'Basic realm="My Private Docker Registry Server"', }) .head('/node/manifests/some-tag') .matchHeader('authorization', 'Basic test') .reply(200, '', { 'docker-content-digest': 'some-digest' }); mockEcrAuthResolve({ authorizationData: [{ authorizationToken: 'test' }], }); const res = await getDigest( { datasource: 'docker', packageName: '', }, 'some-tag' ); expect(res).toBe('some-digest'); }); it('continues without token if ECR authentication could not be extracted', async () => { httpMock.scope(amazonUrl).get('/').reply(401, '', { 'www-authenticate': 'Basic realm="My Private Docker Registry Server"', }); mockEcrAuthResolve(); const res = await getDigest( { datasource: 'docker', packageName: '', }, 'some-tag' ); expect(res).toBeNull(); }); it('continues without token if ECR authentication fails', async () => { hostRules.find.mockReturnValue({}); httpMock.scope(amazonUrl).get('/').reply(401, '', { 'www-authenticate': 'Basic realm="My Private Docker Registry Server"', }); mockEcrAuthReject('some error'); const res = await getDigest( { datasource: 'docker', packageName: '', }, 'some-tag' ); expect(res).toBeNull(); }); it('continues without token, when no header is present', async () => { httpMock .scope(baseUrl) .get('/') .reply(200, '', { 'content-type': 'text/plain', }) .head('/library/some-dep/manifests/some-new-value') .reply(200, {}, { 'docker-content-digest': 'some-digest' }); const res = await getDigest( { datasource: 'docker', packageName: 'some-dep' }, 'some-new-value' ); expect(res).toBe('some-digest'); }); it('supports token with no service', async () => { httpMock .scope(baseUrl) .get('/') .reply(401, '', { 'www-authenticate': 'Bearer realm="",scope=""', }) .head('/library/some-other-dep/manifests/8.0.0-alpine') .reply(200, {}, { 'docker-content-digest': 'some-digest' }); httpMock .scope(authUrl) .get('/token?scope=repository:library/some-other-dep:pull') .reply(200, { access_token: 'test' }); const res = await getDigest( { datasource: 'docker', packageName: 'some-other-dep' }, '8.0.0-alpine' ); expect(res).toBe('some-digest'); }); it('supports scoped names', async () => { httpMock .scope(baseUrl) .get('/') .reply(401, '', { 'www-authenticate': 'Bearer realm="",service="",scope="repository:library/some-other-dep:pull"', }) .head('/library/some-other-dep/manifests/8.0.0-alpine') .reply(200, {}, { 'docker-content-digest': 'some-digest' }); httpMock .scope(authUrl) .get( '/token?' ) .reply(200, { access_token: 'test' }); const res = await getDigest( { datasource: 'docker', packageName: 'some-other-dep' }, '8.0.0-alpine' ); expect(res).toBe('some-digest'); }); it('should throw error for 429', async () => { httpMock.scope(baseUrl).get('/').replyWithError({ statusCode: 429 }); await expect( getDigest({ datasource: 'docker', packageName: 'some-dep' }, 'latest') ).rejects.toThrow(EXTERNAL_HOST_ERROR); }); it('should throw error for 5xx', async () => { httpMock.scope(baseUrl).get('/').replyWithError({ statusCode: 504 }); await expect( getDigest({ datasource: 'docker', packageName: 'some-dep' }, 'latest') ).rejects.toThrow(EXTERNAL_HOST_ERROR); }); it('supports architecture-specific digest', async () => { const currentDigest = 'sha256:81c09f6d42c2db8121bcd759565ea244cedc759f36a0f090ec7da9de4f7f8fe4'; httpMock .scope(authUrl) .get( '/token?' ) .times(4) .reply(200, { token: 'some-token' }); httpMock .scope(baseUrl) .get('/') .times(3) .reply(401, '', { 'www-authenticate': 'Bearer realm="",service="",scope="repository:library/some-dep:pull"', }) .head('/library/some-dep/manifests/' + currentDigest) .reply(200, '', { 'content-type': 'application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json', }) .get('/library/some-dep/manifests/' + currentDigest) .reply(200, { schemaVersion: 2, mediaType: 'application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json', config: { digest: 'some-config-digest' }, }) .get('/library/some-dep/blobs/some-config-digest') .reply(200, { architecture: 'amd64', }); httpMock .scope(baseUrl) .get('/') .reply(401, '', { 'www-authenticate': 'Bearer realm="",service="",scope="repository:library/some-dep:pull"', }) .get('/library/some-dep/manifests/some-new-value') .reply(200, { schemaVersion: 2, mediaType: 'application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.list.v2+json', manifests: [ { digest: 'sha256:c3fe2aac7e4f47270eeff0fdd35cb9bad674105eaa1663942645ca58399a2dbc', platform: { architecture: 'arm', os: 'linux', variant: 'v6', }, }, { digest: 'sha256:78fa4d63fec4e647f00908f24cda05af101aa9702700f613c7f82a96a267d801', platform: { architecture: '386', os: 'linux', }, }, { digest: 'sha256:81093b981e72a54d488d5a60780006d82f7cc02d248d88ff71ff4137b0f51176', platform: { architecture: 'amd64', os: 'linux', }, }, ], }); const res = await getDigest( { datasource: 'docker', packageName: 'some-dep', currentDigest, }, 'some-new-value' ); expect(logger.logger.debug).toHaveBeenCalledWith( `Current digest ${currentDigest} relates to architecture amd64` ); expect(res).toBe( 'sha256:81093b981e72a54d488d5a60780006d82f7cc02d248d88ff71ff4137b0f51176' ); }); it('handles missing architecture-specific digest', async () => { const currentDigest = 'sha256:81c09f6d42c2db8121bcd759565ea244cedc759f36a0f090ec7da9de4f7f8fe4'; httpMock .scope(authUrl) .get( '/token?' ) .times(5) .reply(200, { token: 'some-token' }); httpMock .scope(baseUrl) .get('/') .times(3) .reply(401, '', { 'www-authenticate': 'Bearer realm="",service="",scope="repository:library/some-dep:pull"', }) .head('/library/some-dep/manifests/' + currentDigest) .reply(200, '', { 'content-type': 'application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json', }) .get('/library/some-dep/manifests/' + currentDigest) .reply(200, { schemaVersion: 2, mediaType: 'application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json', config: { digest: 'some-config-digest' }, }) .get('/library/some-dep/blobs/some-config-digest') .reply(200, {}); httpMock .scope(baseUrl) .get('/') .twice() .reply(401, '', { 'www-authenticate': 'Bearer realm="",service="",scope="repository:library/some-dep:pull"', }) .head('/library/some-dep/manifests/some-new-value') .reply(200, undefined, {}) .get('/library/some-dep/manifests/some-new-value') .reply(200, { schemaVersion: 2, mediaType: 'application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.list.v2+json', manifests: [ { digest: 'sha256:c3fe2aac7e4f47270eeff0fdd35cb9bad674105eaa1663942645ca58399a2dbc', platform: { architecture: 'arm', os: 'linux', variant: 'v6', }, }, { digest: 'sha256:78fa4d63fec4e647f00908f24cda05af101aa9702700f613c7f82a96a267d801', platform: { architecture: '386', os: 'linux', }, }, { digest: 'sha256:81093b981e72a54d488d5a60780006d82f7cc02d248d88ff71ff4137b0f51176', platform: { architecture: 'amd64', os: 'linux', }, }, ], }); const res = await getDigest( { datasource: 'docker', packageName: 'some-dep', currentDigest, }, 'some-new-value' ); expect(logger.logger.debug).toHaveBeenCalledWith( `Current digest ${currentDigest} relates to architecture null` ); expect(res).toBe( 'sha256:ee75deb1a41bb998e52a116707a6e22a91904cba0c1d6e6c76cf04923efff2d8' ); }); it('supports architecture-specific digest in OCI manifests with media type', async () => { const currentDigest = 'sha256:0101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101'; httpMock .scope(authUrl) .get( '/token?' ) .times(4) .reply(200, { token: 'some-token' }); httpMock .scope(baseUrl) .get('/') .times(3) .reply(401, '', { 'www-authenticate': 'Bearer realm="",service="",scope="repository:library/some-dep:pull"', }) .head('/library/some-dep/manifests/' + currentDigest) .reply(200, '', { 'content-type': 'application/vnd.oci.image.manifest.v1+json', }) .get('/library/some-dep/manifests/' + currentDigest) .reply(200, { schemaVersion: 2, mediaType: 'application/vnd.oci.image.manifest.v1+json', config: { digest: 'some-config-digest' }, }) .get('/library/some-dep/blobs/some-config-digest') .reply(200, { architecture: 'amd64', }); httpMock .scope(baseUrl) .get('/') .reply(401, '', { 'www-authenticate': 'Bearer realm="",service="",scope="repository:library/some-dep:pull"', }) .get('/library/some-dep/manifests/some-new-value') .reply( 200, { schemaVersion: 2, mediaType: 'application/vnd.oci.image.index.v1+json', manifests: [ { digest: 'some-new-image-digest', platform: { architecture: 'amd64', }, }, ], }, { 'content-type': 'text/plain', } ); const res = await getDigest( { datasource: 'docker', packageName: 'some-dep', currentDigest, }, 'some-new-value' ); expect(logger.logger.debug).toHaveBeenCalledWith( `Current digest ${currentDigest} relates to architecture amd64` ); expect(res).toBe('some-new-image-digest'); }); it('supports architecture-specific digest in OCI manifests without media type', async () => { const currentDigest = 'sha256:0101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101'; httpMock .scope(authUrl) .get( '/token?' ) .times(4) .reply(200, { token: 'some-token' }); httpMock .scope(baseUrl) .get('/') .times(3) .reply(401, '', { 'www-authenticate': 'Bearer realm="",service="",scope="repository:library/some-dep:pull"', }) .head('/library/some-dep/manifests/' + currentDigest) .reply(200, '', { 'content-type': 'application/vnd.oci.image.manifest.v1+json', }) .get('/library/some-dep/manifests/' + currentDigest) .reply(200, { schemaVersion: 2, config: { digest: 'some-config-digest' }, }) .get('/library/some-dep/blobs/some-config-digest') .reply(200, { architecture: 'amd64', }); httpMock .scope(baseUrl) .get('/') .reply(401, '', { 'www-authenticate': 'Bearer realm="",service="",scope="repository:library/some-dep:pull"', }) .get('/library/some-dep/manifests/some-new-value') .reply(200, { schemaVersion: 2, manifests: [ { digest: 'some-new-image-digest', platform: { architecture: 'amd64', }, }, ], }); const res = await getDigest( { datasource: 'docker', packageName: 'some-dep', currentDigest, }, 'some-new-value' ); expect(logger.logger.debug).toHaveBeenCalledWith( `Current digest ${currentDigest} relates to architecture amd64` ); expect(res).toBe('some-new-image-digest'); }); it('handles error while retrieving manifest list for architecture-specific digest', async () => { const currentDigest = 'sha256:81c09f6d42c2db8121bcd759565ea244cedc759f36a0f090ec7da9de4f7f8fe4'; httpMock .scope(authUrl) .get( '/token?' ) .times(4) .reply(200, { token: 'some-token' }); httpMock .scope(baseUrl) .get('/') .twice() .reply(401, '', { 'www-authenticate': 'Bearer realm="",service="",scope="repository:library/some-dep:pull"', }) .head('/library/some-dep/manifests/' + currentDigest) .reply(200, '', { 'content-type': 'application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json', }) .get('/library/some-dep/manifests/' + currentDigest) .reply(404, {}); httpMock .scope(baseUrl) .get('/') .twice() .reply(401, '', { 'www-authenticate': 'Bearer realm="",service="",scope="repository:library/some-dep:pull"', }) .head('/library/some-dep/manifests/some-new-value') .reply(200, undefined, {}) .get('/library/some-dep/manifests/some-new-value') .reply(200, { schemaVersion: 2, mediaType: 'application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.list.v2+json', manifests: [ { digest: 'sha256:c3fe2aac7e4f47270eeff0fdd35cb9bad674105eaa1663942645ca58399a2dbc', platform: { architecture: 'arm', os: 'linux', variant: 'v6', }, }, { digest: 'sha256:78fa4d63fec4e647f00908f24cda05af101aa9702700f613c7f82a96a267d801', platform: { architecture: '386', os: 'linux', }, }, { digest: 'sha256:81093b981e72a54d488d5a60780006d82f7cc02d248d88ff71ff4137b0f51176', platform: { architecture: 'amd64', os: 'linux', }, }, ], }); const res = await getDigest( { datasource: 'docker', packageName: 'some-dep', currentDigest, }, 'some-new-value' ); expect(res).toBe( 'sha256:ee75deb1a41bb998e52a116707a6e22a91904cba0c1d6e6c76cf04923efff2d8' ); }); it('handles error while retrieving image config blob', async () => { const currentDigest = 'sha256:0101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101'; httpMock .scope(authUrl) .get( '/token?' ) .times(3) .reply(200, { token: 'some-token' }); httpMock .scope(baseUrl) .get('/') .times(3) .reply(401, '', { 'www-authenticate': 'Bearer realm="",service="",scope="repository:library/some-dep:pull"', }) .head('/library/some-dep/manifests/' + currentDigest) .reply(200, '', { 'content-type': 'application/vnd.oci.image.manifest.v1+json', }) .get('/library/some-dep/manifests/' + currentDigest) .reply(200, { schemaVersion: 2, config: { digest: 'some-config-digest' }, }) .get('/library/some-dep/blobs/some-config-digest') .reply(404, {}); httpMock .scope(baseUrl) .get('/', undefined, { badheaders: ['authorization'] }) .reply(200, '', {}) .head('/library/some-dep/manifests/some-new-value', undefined, { badheaders: ['authorization'], }) .reply(401); const res = await getDigest( { datasource: 'docker', packageName: 'some-dep', currentDigest, }, 'some-new-value' ); expect(res).toBeNull(); }); it('returns null if digest refers to manifest list and new value invalid', async () => { httpMock .scope(baseUrl) .get('/', undefined, { badheaders: ['authorization'] }) .reply(200, { token: 'some-token' }) .head( '/library/some-dep/manifests/sha256:0101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101' ) .reply(404, {}); httpMock .scope(baseUrl) .get('/', undefined, { badheaders: ['authorization'] }) .reply(200, '', {}) .head( '/library/some-dep/manifests/sha256:fafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafa', undefined, { badheaders: ['authorization'], } ) .reply(401); const res = await getDigest( { datasource: 'docker', packageName: 'some-dep', currentDigest: 'sha256:0101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101', }, 'sha256:fafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafa' ); expect(res).toBeNull(); }); it('falls back to library/ prefix on non-namespaced images with existing digest', async () => { const currentDigest = 'sha256:0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000', newDigest = 'sha256:1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111'; httpMock .scope('') .get('/') .times(4) .reply(200) .head(`/some-dep/manifests/${currentDigest}`) .reply(500) .head(`/some-dep/manifests/3.17`) .reply(404) .head(`/library/some-dep/manifests/${currentDigest}`) .reply(200, '', { 'content-type': 'application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.list.v2+json', 'docker-content-digest': currentDigest, }) .head('/library/some-dep/manifests/3.17') .reply(200, '', { 'content-type': 'application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.list.v2+json', 'docker-content-digest': newDigest, }); hostRules.find.mockReturnValue({}); const res = await getDigest( { datasource: 'docker', packageName: 'some-dep', currentDigest, registryUrls: [''], }, '3.17' ); expect(res).toBe(newDigest); }); it('falls back to library/ prefix on non-namespaced images without existing digest', async () => { const newDigest = 'sha256:1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111'; httpMock .scope('') .get('/') .times(2) .reply(200) .head(`/some-dep/manifests/3.17`) .reply(404) .head('/library/some-dep/manifests/3.17') .reply(200, '', { 'content-type': 'application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.list.v2+json', 'docker-content-digest': newDigest, }); hostRules.find.mockReturnValue({}); const res = await getDigest( { datasource: 'docker', packageName: 'some-dep', registryUrls: [''], }, '3.17' ); expect(res).toBe(newDigest); }); }); describe('getReleases', () => { it('returns null if no token', async () => { httpMock .scope(baseUrl) .get('/library/node/tags/list?n=10000') .reply(200, '', {}) .get('/library/node/tags/list?n=10000') .reply(403); const res = await getPkgReleases({ datasource:, packageName: 'node', registryUrls: [''], }); expect(res).toBeNull(); }); it('uses custom registry with registryUrls', async () => { const tags = ['1.0.0']; httpMock .scope('') .get('/node/tags/list?n=10000') .reply(200, '', {}) .get('/node/tags/list?n=10000') .reply( 200, { tags }, { link: '; rel="next", ', } ) .get('/') .reply(200) .get('/node/manifests/latest') .reply(200); httpMock .scope('') .get('/user/9287/repos?page=3&per_page=100') .reply(200, { tags: ['latest'] }, {}); const config = { datasource:, packageName: 'node', registryUrls: [''], }; const res = await getPkgReleases(config); expect(res?.releases).toHaveLength(1); }); it('uses custom registry in packageName', async () => { const tags = ['1.0.0']; httpMock .scope('') .get('/node/tags/list?n=10000') .reply(200, '', {}) .get('/node/tags/list?n=10000') .reply(200, { tags }, {}) .get('/') .reply(200, '', {}) .get('/node/manifests/1.0.0') .reply(200, '', {}); const res = await getPkgReleases({ datasource:, packageName: '', }); expect(res?.releases).toHaveLength(1); }); it('uses quay api', async () => { const tags = [{ name: '5.0.12' }]; httpMock .scope('') .get( '/api/v1/repository/bitnami/redis/tag/?limit=100&page=1&onlyActiveTags=true' ) .reply(200, { tags, has_additional: true }) .get( '/api/v1/repository/bitnami/redis/tag/?limit=100&page=2&onlyActiveTags=true' ) .reply(200, { tags: [], has_additional: false }) .get('/v2/') .reply(200, '', {}) .get('/v2/bitnami/redis/manifests/5.0.12') .reply(200, '', {}); const config = { datasource:, packageName: 'bitnami/redis', registryUrls: [''], }; const res = await getPkgReleases(config); expect(res?.releases).toHaveLength(1); }); it('uses quay api and test error', async () => { httpMock .scope('') .get( '/api/v1/repository/bitnami/redis/tag/?limit=100&page=1&onlyActiveTags=true' ) .reply(500); const config = { datasource:, packageName: 'bitnami/redis', registryUrls: [''], }; await expect(getPkgReleases(config)).rejects.toThrow(EXTERNAL_HOST_ERROR); }); it('jfrog artifactory - retry tags for official images by injecting `/library` after repository and before image', async () => { const tags1 = [...range(1, 10000)].map((i) => `${i}.0.0`); const tags2 = [...range(10000, 10050)].map((i) => `${i}.0.0`); httpMock .scope('') .get('/virtual-mirror/node/tags/list?n=10000') .reply(200, '', { 'x-jfrog-version': 'Artifactory/7.42.2 74202900' }) .get('/virtual-mirror/node/tags/list?n=10000') .reply(404, '', { 'x-jfrog-version': 'Artifactory/7.42.2 74202900' }) .get('/virtual-mirror/library/node/tags/list?n=10000') .reply(200, '', {}) .get('/virtual-mirror/library/node/tags/list?n=10000') // Note the Link is incorrect and should be `; rel="next", ` // Artifactory incorrectly returns a next link without the virtual repository name // this is due to a bug in Artifactory .reply( 200, { tags: tags1 }, { 'x-jfrog-version': 'Artifactory/7.42.2 74202900', link: '; rel="next", ', } ) .get('/virtual-mirror/library/node/tags/list?n=10000&last=10000') .reply( 200, { tags: tags2 }, { 'x-jfrog-version': 'Artifactory/7.42.2 74202900' } ) .get('/') .reply(200, '', {}) .get('/virtual-mirror/node/manifests/10050.0.0') .reply(200, '', {}); const res = await getPkgReleases({ datasource:, packageName: '', }); expect(res?.releases).toHaveLength(10050); }); it('uses lower tag limit for ECR deps', async () => { httpMock .scope(amazonUrl) .get('/node/tags/list?n=1000') .reply(200, '', {}) // The tag limit parameter `n` needs to be limited to 1000 for ECR // See .get('/node/tags/list?n=1000') .reply(200, { tags: ['some'] }, {}) .get('/') .reply(200, '', {}) .get('/node/manifests/some') .reply(200); expect( await getPkgReleases({ datasource:, packageName: '', }) ).toEqual({ registryUrl: '', releases: [], }); }); it('uses lower tag limit for ECR Public deps', async () => { httpMock .scope('') .get('/v2/amazonlinux/amazonlinux/tags/list?n=1000') .reply(401, '', { 'www-authenticate': 'Bearer realm="",service="",scope="aws"', }) .get('/token?') .reply(200, { token: 'test' }); httpMock .scope('', { reqheaders: { authorization: 'Bearer test', }, }) // The tag limit parameter `n` needs to be limited to 1000 for ECR Public // See .get('/v2/amazonlinux/amazonlinux/tags/list?n=1000') .reply(200, { tags: ['some'] }, {}); httpMock .scope('') .get('/v2/') .reply(401, '', { 'www-authenticate': 'Bearer realm="",service="",scope="aws"', }) .get( '/token?' ) .reply(200, { token: 'test' }); httpMock .scope('', { reqheaders: { authorization: 'Bearer test', }, }) .get('/v2/amazonlinux/amazonlinux/manifests/some') .reply(200); expect( await getPkgReleases({ datasource:, packageName: '', }) ).toEqual({ registryUrl: '', releases: [], }); }); describe('when making requests that interact with an ECR proxy', () => { it('resolves requests to ECR proxy', async () => { httpMock .scope('') .get('/node/tags/list?n=10000') .reply(200, '', {}) .get('/node/tags/list?n=10000') .reply( 405, { errors: [ { code: 'UNSUPPORTED', message: "Invalid parameter at 'maxResults' failed to satisfy constraint: 'Member must have value less than or equal to 1000'", }, ], }, { 'Docker-Distribution-Api-Version': 'registry/2.0', } ) .get('/') .reply(200) .get('/node/tags/list?n=1000') .reply(200, { tags: ['some'] }, {}) .get('/node/manifests/some') .reply(200, { schemaVersion: 2, mediaType: 'application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json', config: { digest: 'some-config-digest' }, }) .get('/') .reply(200) .get('/node/blobs/some-config-digest') .reply(200, { config: { Labels: { 'org.opencontainers.image.source': '', }, }, }); expect( await getPkgReleases({ datasource:, packageName: '', }) ).toEqual({ registryUrl: '', releases: [], sourceUrl: '', }); }); it('returns null when it receives ECR max results error more than once', async () => { const maxResultsErrorBody = { errors: [ { code: 'UNSUPPORTED', message: "Invalid parameter at 'maxResults' failed to satisfy constraint: 'Member must have value less than or equal to 1000'", }, ], }; httpMock .scope('') .get('/node/tags/list?n=10000') .reply(200, '', {}) .get('/node/tags/list?n=10000') .reply(405, maxResultsErrorBody, { 'Docker-Distribution-Api-Version': 'registry/2.0', }) .get('/node/tags/list?n=1000') .reply(405, maxResultsErrorBody, { 'Docker-Distribution-Api-Version': 'registry/2.0', }); expect( await getPkgReleases({ datasource:, packageName: '', }) ).toBeNull(); }); it('returns null when the response code is not 405', async () => { httpMock .scope('') .get('/node/tags/list?n=10000') .reply(200, '', {}) .get('/node/tags/list?n=10000') .reply( 401, { body: { errors: [ { code: 'UNSUPPORTED', message: "Invalid parameter at 'maxResults' failed to satisfy constraint: 'Member must have value less than or equal to 1000'", }, ], }, }, { 'Docker-Distribution-Api-Version': 'registry/2.0', } ); expect( await getPkgReleases({ datasource:, packageName: '', }) ).toBeNull(); }); it('returns null when no response headers are present', async () => { httpMock .scope('') .get('/node/tags/list?n=10000') .reply(200, '', {}) .get('/node/tags/list?n=10000') .reply(405, { errors: [ { code: 'UNSUPPORTED', message: "Invalid parameter at 'maxResults' failed to satisfy constraint: 'Member must have value less than or equal to 1000'", }, ], }); expect( await getPkgReleases({ datasource:, packageName: '', }) ).toBeNull(); }); it('returns null when the expected docker header is missing', async () => { httpMock .scope('') .get('/node/tags/list?n=10000') .reply(200, '', {}) .get('/node/tags/list?n=10000') .reply( 405, { errors: [ { code: 'UNSUPPORTED', message: "Invalid parameter at 'maxResults' failed to satisfy constraint: 'Member must have value less than or equal to 1000'", }, ], }, { 'Irrelevant-Header': 'irrelevant-value', } ); expect( await getPkgReleases({ datasource:, packageName: '', }) ).toBeNull(); }); it('returns null when the response body does not contain an errors object', async () => { httpMock .scope('') .get('/node/tags/list?n=10000') .reply(200, '', {}) .get('/node/tags/list?n=10000') .reply( 405, {}, { 'Docker-Distribution-Api-Version': 'registry/2.0', } ); expect( await getPkgReleases({ datasource:, packageName: '', }) ).toBeNull(); }); it('returns null when the response body does not contain errors', async () => { httpMock .scope('') .get('/node/tags/list?n=10000') .reply(200, '', {}) .get('/node/tags/list?n=10000') .reply( 405, { errors: [], }, { 'Docker-Distribution-Api-Version': 'registry/2.0', } ); expect( await getPkgReleases({ datasource:, packageName: '', }) ).toBeNull(); }); it('returns null when the the response errors does not have a message property', async () => { httpMock .scope('') .get('/node/tags/list?n=10000') .reply(200, '', {}) .get('/node/tags/list?n=10000') .reply( 405, { errors: [ { code: 'UNSUPPORTED', }, ], }, { 'Docker-Distribution-Api-Version': 'registry/2.0', } ); expect( await getPkgReleases({ datasource:, packageName: '', }) ).toBeNull(); }); it('returns null when the the error message does not have the expected max results error', async () => { httpMock .scope('') .get('/node/tags/list?n=10000') .reply(200, '', {}) .get('/node/tags/list?n=10000') .reply( 405, { errors: [ { code: 'UNSUPPORTED', message: 'Some unrelated error message', }, ], }, { 'Docker-Distribution-Api-Version': 'registry/2.0', } ); expect( await getPkgReleases({ datasource:, packageName: '', }) ).toBeNull(); }); }); it('adds library/ prefix for Docker Hub (implicit)', async () => { const tags = ['1.0.0']; httpMock .scope(baseUrl) .get('/library/node/tags/list?n=10000') .reply(401, '', { 'www-authenticate': 'Bearer realm="",service="",scope="repository:library/node:pull"', }) .get('/library/node/tags/list?n=10000') .reply(200, { tags }, {}) .get('/') .reply(200) .get('/library/node/manifests/1.0.0') .reply(200); httpMock .scope(authUrl) .get( '/token?' ) .reply(200, { token: 'test' }); const res = await getPkgReleases({ datasource:, packageName: 'node', }); expect(res?.releases).toHaveLength(1); }); it('adds library/ prefix for Docker Hub (explicit)', async () => { const tags = ['1.0.0']; httpMock .scope(baseUrl) .get('/library/node/tags/list?n=10000') .reply(401, '', { 'www-authenticate': 'Bearer realm="",service="",scope="repository:library/node:pull"', }) .get('/library/node/tags/list?n=10000') .reply(200, { tags }, {}) .get('/') .reply(200) .get('/library/node/manifests/1.0.0') .reply(200); httpMock .scope(authUrl) .get( '/token?' ) .reply(200, { token: 'test' }); const res = await getPkgReleases({ datasource:, packageName: '', }); expect(res?.releases).toHaveLength(1); }); it('adds no library/ prefix for other registries', async () => { const tags = ['1.0.0']; httpMock .scope('') .get('/kubernetes-dashboard-amd64/tags/list?n=10000') .reply(401, '', { 'www-authenticate': 'Bearer realm="",service=""', }) .get( '/token?' ) .reply(200, { token: 'some-token ' }) .get('/kubernetes-dashboard-amd64/tags/list?n=10000') .reply(200, { tags }, {}) .get('/') .reply(200) .get('/kubernetes-dashboard-amd64/manifests/1.0.0') .reply(200); const res = await getPkgReleases({ datasource:, packageName: '', }); expect(res?.releases).toHaveLength(1); }); it('returns null on error', async () => { httpMock .scope(baseUrl) .get('/my/node/tags/list?n=10000') .reply(200) .get('/my/node/tags/list?n=10000') .replyWithError('error'); const res = await getPkgReleases({ datasource:, packageName: 'my/node', }); expect(res).toBeNull(); }); it('strips trailing slash from registry', async () => { httpMock .scope(baseUrl) .get('/my/node/tags/list?n=10000') .reply(401, '', { 'www-authenticate': 'Bearer realm="",service="",scope="repository:my/node:pull"', }) .get('/my/node/tags/list?n=10000') .reply(200, { tags: ['1.0.0'] }, {}) .get('/') .reply(200) .get('/my/node/manifests/1.0.0') .reply(200); httpMock .scope(authUrl) .get('/token?') .reply(200, { token: 'some-token ' }); const res = await getPkgReleases({ datasource:, packageName: 'my/node', registryUrls: [''], }); expect(res?.releases).toHaveLength(1); }); it('returns null if no auth', async () => { hostRules.find.mockReturnValue({}); httpMock .scope(baseUrl) .get('/library/node/tags/list?n=10000') .reply(401, undefined, { 'www-authenticate': 'Basic realm="My Private Docker Registry Server"', }); const res = await getPkgReleases({ datasource:, packageName: 'node', }); expect(res).toBeNull(); }); it('supports labels', async () => { httpMock .scope('') .get('/') .times(2) .reply(200) .get('/node/tags/list?n=10000') .reply(200) .get('/node/tags/list?n=10000') .reply(200, { tags: [ '2.0.0', '2-alpine', '1-alpine', '1.0.0', '1.2.3', '1.2.3-alpine', 'abc', ], }) .get('/node/manifests/2-alpine') .reply(200, { schemaVersion: 2, mediaType: 'application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json', config: { digest: 'some-config-digest' }, }) .get('/node/blobs/some-config-digest') .reply(200, { config: { Labels: { 'org.opencontainers.image.source': '', 'org.opencontainers.image.revision': 'ab7ddb5e3c5c3b402acd7c3679d4e415f8092dde', }, }, }); const res = await getPkgReleases({ datasource:, packageName: '', }); expect(res).toEqual({ registryUrl: '', releases: [ { version: '1.0.0', }, { version: '1.2.3-alpine', }, { version: '1.2.3', }, { version: '1-alpine', }, { version: '2.0.0', }, { version: '2-alpine', }, ], sourceUrl: '', gitRef: 'ab7ddb5e3c5c3b402acd7c3679d4e415f8092dde', }); }); it('supports labels - handle missing config prop on blob response', async () => { httpMock .scope('') .get('/') .times(2) .reply(200) .get('/node/tags/list?n=10000') .reply(200) .get('/node/tags/list?n=10000') .reply(200, { tags: ['2-alpine'], }) .get('/node/manifests/2-alpine') .reply(200, { schemaVersion: 2, mediaType: 'application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json', config: { digest: 'some-config-digest' }, }) .get('/node/blobs/some-config-digest') .reply(200, {}); // DockerDatasource.getLabels() inner response const res = await getPkgReleases({ datasource:, packageName: '', }); expect(res).toEqual({ registryUrl: '', releases: [ { version: '2-alpine', }, ], }); expect(logger.logger.debug).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.anything(), `manifest blob response body missing the "config" property` ); expect( expect.anything(), 'Unknown error getting Docker labels' ); }); it('supports manifest lists', async () => { httpMock .scope('') .get('/') .times(3) .reply(200) .get('/node/tags/list?n=10000') .reply(200) .get('/node/tags/list?n=10000') .reply(200, { tags: ['abc'] }) .get('/node/manifests/abc') .reply(200, { schemaVersion: 2, mediaType: 'application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.list.v2+json', manifests: [{ digest: 'some-image-digest' }], }) .get('/node/manifests/some-image-digest') .reply(200, { schemaVersion: 2, mediaType: 'application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json', config: { digest: 'some-config-digest' }, }) .get('/node/blobs/some-config-digest') .reply(200, { config: { Labels: { 'org.opencontainers.image.source': '', }, }, }); const res = await getPkgReleases({ datasource:, packageName: '', }); expect(res).toEqual({ registryUrl: '', releases: [], sourceUrl: '', }); }); it('ignores empty manifest lists', async () => { httpMock .scope('') .get('/') .reply(200) .get('/node/tags/list?n=10000') .reply(200) .get('/node/tags/list?n=10000') .reply(200, { tags: ['latest'] }) .get('/node/manifests/latest') .reply(200, { schemaVersion: 2, mediaType: 'application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.list.v2+json', manifests: [], }); const res = await getPkgReleases({ datasource:, packageName: '', }); expect(res).toEqual({ registryUrl: '', releases: [], }); }); it('ignores unsupported manifest', async () => { httpMock .scope('') .get('/') .reply(200) .get('/node/tags/list?n=10000') .reply(200) .get('/node/tags/list?n=10000') .reply(200, { tags: ['latest'] }) .get('/node/manifests/latest') .reply(200, { schemaVersion: 2, mediaType: 'application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v1+json', }); const res = await getPkgReleases({ datasource:, packageName: '', }); expect(res).toEqual({ registryUrl: '', releases: [], }); }); it('ignores unsupported schema version', async () => { httpMock .scope('') .get('/') .reply(200) .get('/node/tags/list?n=10000') .reply(200) .get('/node/tags/list?n=10000') .reply(200, { tags: ['latest'] }) .get('/node/manifests/latest') .reply(200, {}); const res = await getPkgReleases({ datasource:, packageName: '', }); expect(res).toEqual({ registryUrl: '', releases: [], }); }); it('supports OCI manifests with media type', async () => { httpMock .scope('') .get('/') .times(3) .reply(200) .get('/node/tags/list?n=10000') .reply(200) .get('/node/tags/list?n=10000') .reply(200, { tags: ['1'] }) .get('/node/manifests/1') .reply(200, { schemaVersion: 2, mediaType: 'application/vnd.oci.image.index.v1+json', manifests: [{ digest: 'some-image-digest' }], }) .get('/node/manifests/some-image-digest') .reply(200, { schemaVersion: 2, mediaType: 'application/vnd.oci.image.manifest.v1+json', config: { digest: 'some-config-digest' }, }) .get('/node/blobs/some-config-digest') .reply(200, { config: { Labels: { 'org.opencontainers.image.source': '', }, }, }); const res = await getPkgReleases({ datasource:, packageName: '', }); expect(res).toEqual({ registryUrl: '', releases: [ { version: '1', }, ], sourceUrl: '', }); }); it('supports OCI manifests without media type', async () => { httpMock .scope('') .get('/') .times(3) .reply(200) .get('/node/tags/list?n=10000') .reply(200) .get('/node/tags/list?n=10000') .reply(200, { tags: ['1'] }) .get('/node/manifests/1') .reply(200, { schemaVersion: 2, mediaType: 'application/vnd.oci.image.index.v1+json', manifests: [{ digest: 'some-image-digest' }], }) .get('/node/manifests/some-image-digest') .reply(200, { schemaVersion: 2, config: { digest: 'some-config-digest' }, }) .get('/node/blobs/some-config-digest') .reply(200, { config: { Labels: { 'org.opencontainers.image.source': '', }, }, }); const res = await getPkgReleases({ datasource:, packageName: '', }); expect(res).toEqual({ registryUrl: '', releases: [ { version: '1', }, ], sourceUrl: '', }); }); it('ignores empty OCI manifest indexes', async () => { httpMock .scope('') .get('/') .reply(200) .get('/node/tags/list?n=10000') .reply(200) .get('/node/tags/list?n=10000') .reply(200, { tags: ['latest'] }) .get('/node/manifests/latest') .reply(200, { schemaVersion: 2, mediaType: 'application/vnd.oci.image.index.v1+json', manifests: [], }); const res = await getPkgReleases({ datasource:, packageName: '', }); expect(res).toEqual({ registryUrl: '', releases: [], }); }); it('supports redirect', async () => { httpMock .scope('', { badheaders: ['authorization'], }) .get('/') .times(2) .reply(401, '', { 'www-authenticate': 'Basic realm="My Private Docker Registry Server"', }) .get('/node/tags/list?n=10000') .reply(401, '', { 'www-authenticate': 'Basic realm="My Private Docker Registry Server"', }); httpMock .scope('', { reqheaders: { authorization: 'Basic c29tZS11c2VybmFtZTpzb21lLXBhc3N3b3Jk', }, }) .get('/node/tags/list?n=10000') .reply(200, { tags: ['latest'] }) .get('/node/manifests/latest') .reply(200, { schemaVersion: 2, mediaType: 'application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json', config: { digest: 'some-config-digest' }, }) .get('/node/blobs/some-config-digest') .reply(302, undefined, { location: '', }); httpMock .scope('', { badheaders: ['authorization'] }) .get('/some-config-digest') .query({ 'X-Amz-Algorithm': 'xxxx' }) .reply(200, { config: {}, }); const res = await getPkgReleases({ datasource:, packageName: '', }); expect(res).toEqual({ registryUrl: '', releases: [], }); }); it('supports ghcr', async () => { hostRules.find.mockResolvedValue({} as never); httpMock .scope('', { badheaders: ['authorization'], }) .get('/') .twice() .reply(401, '', { 'www-authenticate': 'Bearer realm="",service="",scope="repository:user/image:pull', }) .get('/visualon/drone-git/tags/list?n=10000') .reply(401, '', { 'www-authenticate': 'Bearer realm="",service="",scope="repository:visualon/drone-git:pull"', }); httpMock .scope('') .get('/token?') .times(3) .reply(200, { token: 'abc' }); httpMock .scope('', { reqheaders: { authorization: 'Bearer abc', }, }) .get('/visualon/drone-git/tags/list?n=10000') .reply(200, { tags: ['latest', '1.0.0'] }) .get('/visualon/drone-git/manifests/latest') .reply(200, { schemaVersion: 2, mediaType: 'application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json', config: { digest: 'some-config-digest' }, }) .get('/visualon/drone-git/blobs/some-config-digest') .reply(200, { config: { Labels: { 'org.opencontainers.image.source': '', }, }, }); const res = await getPkgReleases({ datasource:, packageName: '', }); expect(res).toEqual({ registryUrl: '', sourceUrl: '', releases: [{ version: '1.0.0' }], }); }); }); });