import URL from 'url'; import is from '@sindresorhus/is'; import JSON5 from 'json5'; import { PlatformId } from '../../../constants'; import { REPOSITORY_NOT_FOUND } from '../../../constants/error-messages'; import { logger } from '../../../logger'; import { BranchStatus, PrState, VulnerabilityAlert } from '../../../types'; import * as git from '../../../util/git'; import * as hostRules from '../../../util/host-rules'; import { BitbucketHttp, setBaseUrl } from '../../../util/http/bitbucket'; import { regEx } from '../../../util/regex'; import { sanitize } from '../../../util/sanitize'; import type { BranchStatusConfig, CreatePRConfig, EnsureCommentConfig, EnsureCommentRemovalConfig, EnsureIssueConfig, EnsureIssueResult, FindPRConfig, Issue, MergePRConfig, PlatformParams, PlatformResult, Pr, RepoParams, RepoResult, UpdatePrConfig, } from '../types'; import { smartTruncate } from '../utils/pr-body'; import { readOnlyIssueBody } from '../utils/read-only-issue-body'; import * as comments from './comments'; import * as utils from './utils'; import { Account, PrResponse, RepoInfoBody, mergeBodyTransformer, } from './utils'; const bitbucketHttp = new BitbucketHttp(); const BITBUCKET_PROD_ENDPOINT = ''; let config: utils.Config = {} as any; const defaults = { endpoint: BITBUCKET_PROD_ENDPOINT }; const pathSeparator = '/'; let renovateUserUuid: string | null = null; export async function initPlatform({ endpoint, username, password, }: PlatformParams): Promise { if (!(username && password)) { throw new Error( 'Init: You must configure a Bitbucket username and password' ); } if (endpoint && endpoint !== BITBUCKET_PROD_ENDPOINT) { logger.warn( `Init: Bitbucket Cloud endpoint should generally be ${BITBUCKET_PROD_ENDPOINT} but is being configured to a different value. Did you mean to use Bitbucket Server?` ); defaults.endpoint = endpoint; } setBaseUrl(defaults.endpoint); renovateUserUuid = null; try { const { uuid } = ( await bitbucketHttp.getJson('/2.0/user', { username, password, useCache: false, }) ).body; renovateUserUuid = uuid; } catch (err) { if ( err.statusCode === 403 && err.body?.error?.detail?.required?.includes('account') ) { logger.warn(`Bitbucket: missing 'account' scope for password`); } else { logger.debug({ err }, 'Unknown error fetching Bitbucket user identity'); } } // TODO: Add a connection check that endpoint/username/password combination are valid (#9594) const platformConfig: PlatformResult = { endpoint: endpoint ?? BITBUCKET_PROD_ENDPOINT, }; return Promise.resolve(platformConfig); } // Get all repositories that the user has access to export async function getRepos(): Promise { logger.debug('Autodiscovering Bitbucket Cloud repositories'); try { const repos = await utils.accumulateValues<{ full_name: string }>( `/2.0/repositories/?role=contributor` ); return => repo.full_name); } catch (err) /* istanbul ignore next */ { logger.error({ err }, `bitbucket getRepos error`); throw err; } } export async function getRawFile( fileName: string, repoName?: string, branchOrTag?: string ): Promise { // See: const repo = repoName ?? config.repository; const path = fileName; let finalBranchOrTag = branchOrTag; if (branchOrTag?.includes(pathSeparator)) { // Branch name contans slash, so we have to replace branch name with SHA1 of the head commit; otherwise the API will not work. finalBranchOrTag = await getBranchCommit(branchOrTag); } const url = `/2.0/repositories/${repo}/src/` + (finalBranchOrTag ?? `HEAD`) + `/${path}`; const res = await bitbucketHttp.get(url); return res.body; } export async function getJsonFile( fileName: string, repoName?: string, branchOrTag?: string ): Promise { // TODO #7154 const raw = (await getRawFile(fileName, repoName, branchOrTag)) as string; return JSON5.parse(raw); } // Initialize bitbucket by getting base branch and SHA export async function initRepo({ repository, cloneSubmodules, ignorePrAuthor, }: RepoParams): Promise { logger.debug(`initRepo("${repository}")`); const opts = hostRules.find({ hostType: PlatformId.Bitbucket, url: defaults.endpoint, }); config = { repository, username: opts.username, ignorePrAuthor, } as utils.Config; let info: utils.RepoInfo; try { info = utils.repoInfoTransformer( ( await bitbucketHttp.getJson( `/2.0/repositories/${repository}` ) ).body ); config.defaultBranch = info.mainbranch; config = { ...config, owner: info.owner, mergeMethod: info.mergeMethod, has_issues: info.has_issues, }; logger.debug(`${repository} owner = ${config.owner}`); } catch (err) /* istanbul ignore next */ { if (err.statusCode === 404) { throw new Error(REPOSITORY_NOT_FOUND); } logger.debug({ err }, 'Unknown Bitbucket initRepo error'); throw err; } const { hostname } = URL.parse(defaults.endpoint); // Converts API hostnames to their respective HTTP git hosts: // `` to `` // `api-staging.` to `staging.` // TODO #7154 const hostnameWithoutApiPrefix = regEx(/api[.|-](.+)/).exec(hostname!)?.[1]; const url = git.getUrl({ protocol: 'https', auth: `${opts.username}:${opts.password}`, hostname: hostnameWithoutApiPrefix, repository, }); await git.initRepo({ ...config, url, cloneSubmodules, }); const repoConfig: RepoResult = { defaultBranch: info.mainbranch, isFork: info.isFork, }; return repoConfig; } // Returns true if repository has rule enforcing PRs are up-to-date with base branch before merging export function getRepoForceRebase(): Promise { // BB doesn't have an option to flag staled branches return Promise.resolve(false); } // istanbul ignore next function matchesState(state: string, desiredState: string): boolean { if (desiredState === PrState.All) { return true; } if (desiredState.startsWith('!')) { return state !== desiredState.substring(1); } return state === desiredState; } export async function getPrList(): Promise { logger.debug('getPrList()'); if (!config.prList) { logger.debug('Retrieving PR list'); let url = `/2.0/repositories/${config.repository}/pullrequests?`; url += => 'state=' + state).join('&'); if (renovateUserUuid && !config.ignorePrAuthor) { url += `&q=author.uuid="${renovateUserUuid}"`; } const prs = await utils.accumulateValues(url, undefined, undefined, 50); config.prList =; logger.debug({ length: config.prList.length }, 'Retrieved Pull Requests'); } return config.prList; } export async function findPr({ branchName, prTitle, state = PrState.All, }: FindPRConfig): Promise { logger.debug(`findPr(${branchName}, ${prTitle}, ${state})`); const prList = await getPrList(); const pr = prList.find( (p) => p.sourceBranch === branchName && (!prTitle || p.title === prTitle) && matchesState(p.state, state) ); if (pr) { logger.debug(`Found PR #${pr.number}`); } return pr ?? null; } // Gets details for a PR export async function getPr(prNo: number): Promise { const pr = ( await bitbucketHttp.getJson( `/2.0/repositories/${config.repository}/pullrequests/${prNo}` ) ).body; // istanbul ignore if if (!pr) { return null; } const res: any = { displayNumber: `Pull Request #${}`, ...utils.prInfo(pr), }; res.hasReviewers = is.nonEmptyArray(pr.reviewers); return res; } const escapeHash = (input: string): string => input ? input.replace(regEx(/#/g), '%23') : input; interface BranchResponse { target: { hash: string; }; } // Return the commit SHA for a branch async function getBranchCommit( branchName: string ): Promise { try { const branch = ( await bitbucketHttp.getJson( `/2.0/repositories/${config.repository}/refs/branches/${escapeHash( branchName )}` ) ).body; return; } catch (err) /* istanbul ignore next */ { logger.debug({ err }, `getBranchCommit('${branchName}') failed'`); return undefined; } } // Returns the Pull Request for a branch. Null if not exists. export async function getBranchPr(branchName: string): Promise { logger.debug(`getBranchPr(${branchName})`); const existingPr = await findPr({ branchName, state: PrState.Open, }); return existingPr ? getPr(existingPr.number) : null; } async function getStatus( branchName: string, useCache = true ): Promise { const sha = await getBranchCommit(branchName); return utils.accumulateValues( `/2.0/repositories/${config.repository}/commit/${sha}/statuses`, 'get', { useCache } ); } // Returns the combined status for a branch. export async function getBranchStatus( branchName: string ): Promise { logger.debug(`getBranchStatus(${branchName})`); const statuses = await getStatus(branchName); logger.debug({ branch: branchName, statuses }, 'branch status check result'); if (!statuses.length) { logger.debug('empty branch status check result = returning "pending"'); return BranchStatus.yellow; } const noOfFailures = statuses.filter( (status: { state: string }) => status.state === 'FAILED' || status.state === 'STOPPED' ).length; if (noOfFailures) { return; } const noOfPending = statuses.filter( (status: { state: string }) => status.state === 'INPROGRESS' ).length; if (noOfPending) { return BranchStatus.yellow; } return; } const bbToRenovateStatusMapping: Record = { SUCCESSFUL:, INPROGRESS: BranchStatus.yellow, FAILED:, }; export async function getBranchStatusCheck( branchName: string, context: string ): Promise { const statuses = await getStatus(branchName); const bbState = statuses.find((status) => status.key === context)?.state; // TODO #7154 return bbToRenovateStatusMapping[bbState!] || null; } export async function setBranchStatus({ branchName, context, description, state, url: targetUrl, }: BranchStatusConfig): Promise { const sha = await getBranchCommit(branchName); // TargetUrl can not be empty so default to bitbucket const url = targetUrl ?? /* istanbul ignore next */ ''; const body = { name: context, state: utils.buildStates[state], key: context, description, url, }; await bitbucketHttp.postJson( `/2.0/repositories/${config.repository}/commit/${sha}/statuses/build`, { body } ); // update status cache await getStatus(branchName, false); } type BbIssue = { id: number; title: string; content?: { raw: string } }; async function findOpenIssues(title: string): Promise { try { const filter = encodeURIComponent( [ `title=${JSON.stringify(title)}`, '(state = "new" OR state = "open")', `reporter.username="${config.username}"`, ].join(' AND ') ); return ( ( await bitbucketHttp.getJson<{ values: BbIssue[] }>( `/2.0/repositories/${config.repository}/issues?q=${filter}` ) ).body.values || /* istanbul ignore next */ [] ); } catch (err) /* istanbul ignore next */ { logger.warn({ err }, 'Error finding issues'); return []; } } export async function findIssue(title: string): Promise { logger.debug(`findIssue(${title})`); /* istanbul ignore if */ if (!config.has_issues) { logger.debug('Issues are disabled - cannot findIssue'); return null; } const issues = await findOpenIssues(title); if (!issues.length) { return null; } const [issue] = issues; return { number:, body: issue.content?.raw, }; } async function closeIssue(issueNumber: number): Promise { await bitbucketHttp.putJson( `/2.0/repositories/${config.repository}/issues/${issueNumber}`, { body: { state: 'closed' }, } ); } export function massageMarkdown(input: string): string { // Remove any HTML we use return smartTruncate(input, 50000) .replace( 'you tick the rebase/retry checkbox', 'rename PR to start with "rebase!"' ) .replace(regEx(/<\/?summary>/g), '**') .replace(regEx(/<\/?details>/g), '') .replace(regEx(`\n---\n\n.*?.*?\n`), '') .replace(regEx(/\]\(\.\.\/pull\//g), '](../../pull-requests/'); } export async function ensureIssue({ title, reuseTitle, body, }: EnsureIssueConfig): Promise { logger.debug(`ensureIssue()`); const description = massageMarkdown(sanitize(body)); /* istanbul ignore if */ if (!config.has_issues) { logger.warn('Issues are disabled - cannot ensureIssue'); logger.debug({ title }, 'Failed to ensure Issue'); return null; } try { let issues = await findOpenIssues(title); if (!issues.length && reuseTitle) { issues = await findOpenIssues(reuseTitle); } if (issues.length) { // Close any duplicates for (const issue of issues.slice(1)) { await closeIssue(; } const [issue] = issues; if ( issue.title !== title || String(issue.content?.raw).trim() !== description.trim() ) { logger.debug('Issue updated'); await bitbucketHttp.putJson( `/2.0/repositories/${config.repository}/issues/${}`, { body: { content: { raw: readOnlyIssueBody(description), markup: 'markdown', }, }, } ); return 'updated'; } } else {'Issue created'); await bitbucketHttp.postJson( `/2.0/repositories/${config.repository}/issues`, { body: { title, content: { raw: readOnlyIssueBody(description), markup: 'markdown', }, }, } ); return 'created'; } } catch (err) /* istanbul ignore next */ { if (err.message.startsWith('Repository has no issue tracker.')) { logger.debug(`Issues are disabled, so could not create issue: ${title}`); } else { logger.warn({ err }, 'Could not ensure issue'); } } return null; } /* istanbul ignore next */ export async function getIssueList(): Promise { logger.debug(`getIssueList()`); if (!config.has_issues) { logger.debug('Issues are disabled - cannot getIssueList'); return []; } try { const filter = encodeURIComponent( [ '(state = "new" OR state = "open")', `reporter.username="${config.username}"`, ].join(' AND ') ); return ( ( await bitbucketHttp.getJson<{ values: Issue[] }>( `/2.0/repositories/${config.repository}/issues?q=${filter}` ) ).body.values || [] ); } catch (err) { logger.warn({ err }, 'Error finding issues'); return []; } } export async function ensureIssueClosing(title: string): Promise { /* istanbul ignore if */ if (!config.has_issues) { logger.debug('Issues are disabled - cannot ensureIssueClosing'); return; } const issues = await findOpenIssues(title); for (const issue of issues) { await closeIssue(; } } export function addAssignees( _prNr: number, _assignees: string[] ): Promise { // Bitbucket supports "participants" and "reviewers" so does not seem to have the concept of "assignee" logger.warn('Cannot add assignees'); return Promise.resolve(); } export async function addReviewers( prId: number, reviewers: string[] ): Promise { logger.debug(`Adding reviewers '${reviewers.join(', ')}' to #${prId}`); // TODO #7154 const { title } = (await getPr(prId))!; const body = { title, reviewers: string) => ({ username })), }; await bitbucketHttp.putJson( `/2.0/repositories/${config.repository}/pullrequests/${prId}`, { body, } ); } /* istanbul ignore next */ export function deleteLabel(): never { throw new Error('deleteLabel not implemented'); } export function ensureComment({ number, topic, content, }: EnsureCommentConfig): Promise { // return comments.ensureComment({ config, number, topic, content: sanitize(content), }); } export function ensureCommentRemoval( deleteConfig: EnsureCommentRemovalConfig ): Promise { return comments.ensureCommentRemoval(config, deleteConfig); } async function sanitizeReviewers( reviewers: Account[], err: any ): Promise { if (err.statusCode === 400 && err.body?.error?.fields?.reviewers) { const sanitizedReviewers: Account[] = []; for (const msg of err.body.error.fields.reviewers) { // Bitbucket returns a 400 if any of the PR reviewer accounts are now inactive (ie: disabled/suspended) if (msg === 'Malformed reviewers list') { logger.debug( { err }, 'PR contains inactive reviewer accounts. Will try setting only active reviewers' ); // Validate that each previous PR reviewer account is still active for (const reviewer of reviewers) { const reviewerUser = ( await bitbucketHttp.getJson(`/2.0/users/${reviewer.uuid}`) ).body; if (reviewerUser.account_status === 'active') { sanitizedReviewers.push(reviewer); } } // Bitbucket returns a 400 if any of the PR reviewer accounts are no longer members of this workspace } else if ( msg.endsWith( 'is not a member of this workspace and cannot be added to this pull request' ) ) { logger.debug( { err }, 'PR contains reviewer accounts which are no longer member of this workspace. Will try setting only member reviewers' ); const workspace = config.repository.split('/')[0]; // Validate that each previous PR reviewer account is still a member of this workspace for (const reviewer of reviewers) { try { await bitbucketHttp.get( `/2.0/workspaces/${workspace}/members/${reviewer.uuid}` ); sanitizedReviewers.push(reviewer); } catch (err) { // HTTP 404: User cannot be found, or the user is not a member of this workspace. if (err.response?.statusCode !== 404) { throw err; } } } } else { return undefined; } } return sanitizedReviewers; } return undefined; } // Creates PR and returns PR number export async function createPr({ sourceBranch, targetBranch, prTitle: title, prBody: description, platformOptions, }: CreatePRConfig): Promise { // labels is not supported in Bitbucket: const base = targetBranch; logger.debug({ repository: config.repository, title, base }, 'Creating PR'); let reviewers: Account[] = []; if (platformOptions?.bbUseDefaultReviewers) { const reviewersResponse = ( await bitbucketHttp.getJson>( `/2.0/repositories/${config.repository}/default-reviewers` ) ).body; reviewers = Account) => ({ uuid: reviewer.uuid, })); } const body = { title, description: sanitize(description), source: { branch: { name: sourceBranch, }, }, destination: { branch: { name: base, }, }, close_source_branch: true, reviewers, }; try { const prRes = ( await bitbucketHttp.postJson( `/2.0/repositories/${config.repository}/pullrequests`, { body, } ) ).body; const pr = utils.prInfo(prRes); // istanbul ignore if if (config.prList) { config.prList.push(pr); } return pr; } catch (err) /* istanbul ignore next */ { // Try sanitizing reviewers const sanitizedReviewers = await sanitizeReviewers(reviewers, err); if (sanitizedReviewers === undefined) { logger.warn({ err }, 'Error creating pull request'); throw err; } else { const prRes = ( await bitbucketHttp.postJson( `/2.0/repositories/${config.repository}/pullrequests`, { body: { ...body, reviewers: sanitizedReviewers, }, } ) ).body; const pr = utils.prInfo(prRes); // istanbul ignore if if (config.prList) { config.prList.push(pr); } return pr; } } } export async function updatePr({ number: prNo, prTitle: title, prBody: description, state, }: UpdatePrConfig): Promise { logger.debug(`updatePr(${prNo}, ${title}, body)`); // Updating a PR in Bitbucket will clear the reviewers if reviewers is not present const pr = ( await bitbucketHttp.getJson( `/2.0/repositories/${config.repository}/pullrequests/${prNo}` ) ).body; try { await bitbucketHttp.putJson( `/2.0/repositories/${config.repository}/pullrequests/${prNo}`, { body: { title, description: sanitize(description), reviewers: pr.reviewers, }, } ); } catch (err) { // Try sanitizing reviewers const sanitizedReviewers = await sanitizeReviewers(pr.reviewers, err); if (sanitizedReviewers === undefined) { throw err; } else { await bitbucketHttp.putJson( `/2.0/repositories/${config.repository}/pullrequests/${prNo}`, { body: { title, description: sanitize(description), reviewers: sanitizedReviewers, }, } ); } } if (state === PrState.Closed && pr) { await bitbucketHttp.postJson( `/2.0/repositories/${config.repository}/pullrequests/${prNo}/decline` ); } } export async function mergePr({ branchName, id: prNo, strategy: mergeStrategy, }: MergePRConfig): Promise { logger.debug(`mergePr(${prNo}, ${branchName}, ${mergeStrategy})`); // Bitbucket Cloud does not support a rebase-alike; if (mergeStrategy === 'rebase') { logger.warn('Bitbucket Cloud does not support a "rebase" strategy.'); return false; } try { await bitbucketHttp.postJson( `/2.0/repositories/${config.repository}/pullrequests/${prNo}/merge`, { body: mergeBodyTransformer(mergeStrategy), } ); logger.debug('Automerging succeeded'); } catch (err) /* istanbul ignore next */ { logger.debug({ err }, `PR merge error`);{ pr: prNo }, 'PR automerge failed'); return false; } return true; } export function getVulnerabilityAlerts(): Promise { return Promise.resolve([]); }