import { getName } from '../../test/util'; import * as datasourceDocker from '../datasource/docker'; import * as cli from './cli'; import getArgv from './config/__fixtures__/argv'; import type { RenovateOptions } from './types'; describe(getName(__filename), () => { let argv: string[]; beforeEach(() => { argv = getArgv(); }); describe('.getCliName(definition)', () => { it('generates CLI value', () => { const option: Partial = { name: 'oneTwoThree', }; expect(cli.getCliName(option)).toEqual('--one-two-three'); }); it('generates returns empty if CLI false', () => { const option: Partial = { name: 'oneTwoThree', cli: false, }; expect(cli.getCliName(option)).toEqual(''); }); }); describe('.getConfig(argv)', () => { it('returns empty argv', () => { expect(cli.getConfig(argv)).toEqual({}); }); it('supports boolean no value', () => { argv.push('--recreate-closed'); expect(cli.getConfig(argv)).toEqual({ recreateClosed: true }); argv = argv.slice(0, -1); }); it('supports boolean space true', () => { argv.push('--recreate-closed'); argv.push('true'); expect(cli.getConfig(argv)).toEqual({ recreateClosed: true }); }); it('throws exception for invalid boolean value', () => { argv.push('--recreate-closed'); argv.push('badvalue'); expect(() => cli.getConfig(argv)).toThrow( Error( "Invalid boolean value: expected 'true' or 'false', but got 'badvalue'" ) ); }); it('supports boolean space false', () => { argv.push('--recreate-closed'); argv.push('false'); expect(cli.getConfig(argv)).toEqual({ recreateClosed: false }); }); it('supports boolean equals true', () => { argv.push('--recreate-closed=true'); expect(cli.getConfig(argv)).toEqual({ recreateClosed: true }); }); it('supports boolean equals false', () => { argv.push('--recreate-closed=false'); expect(cli.getConfig(argv)).toEqual({ recreateClosed: false }); }); it('supports list single', () => { argv.push('--labels=a'); expect(cli.getConfig(argv)).toEqual({ labels: ['a'] }); }); it('supports list multiple', () => { argv.push('--labels=a,b,c'); expect(cli.getConfig(argv)).toEqual({ labels: ['a', 'b', 'c'] }); }); it('supports string', () => { argv.push('--token=a'); expect(cli.getConfig(argv)).toEqual({ token: 'a' }); }); it('supports repositories', () => { argv.push('foo'); argv.push('bar'); expect(cli.getConfig(argv)).toEqual({ repositories: ['foo', 'bar'] }); }); it('parses json lists correctly', () => { argv.push( `--host-rules=[{"domainName":"","hostType":"${}","username":"user","password":"password"}]` ); expect(cli.getConfig(argv)).toEqual({ hostRules: [ { domainName: '', hostType:, username: 'user', password: 'password', }, ], }); }); it('parses [] correctly as empty list of hostRules', () => { argv.push(`--host-rules=[]`); expect(cli.getConfig(argv)).toEqual({ hostRules: [], }); }); it('parses an empty string correctly as empty list of hostRules', () => { argv.push(`--host-rules=`); expect(cli.getConfig(argv)).toEqual({ hostRules: [], }); }); it('migrates --endpoints', () => { argv.push(`--endpoints=`); expect(cli.getConfig(argv)).toEqual({ hostRules: [], }); }); it('parses json object correctly when empty', () => { argv.push(`--onboarding-config=`); expect(cli.getConfig(argv)).toEqual({ onboardingConfig: {}, }); }); it('parses json {} object correctly', () => { argv.push(`--onboarding-config={}`); expect(cli.getConfig(argv)).toEqual({ onboardingConfig: {}, }); }); it('parses json object correctly', () => { argv.push(`--onboarding-config={"extends": ["config:base"]}`); expect(cli.getConfig(argv)).toEqual({ onboardingConfig: { extends: ['config:base'], }, }); }); it('throws exception for invalid json object', () => { argv.push('--onboarding-config=Hello_World'); expect(() => cli.getConfig(argv)).toThrow( Error("Invalid JSON value: 'Hello_World'") ); }); }); });