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synced 2025-01-22 20:46:25 +00:00
563 lines
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563 lines
21 KiB
import later from '@breejs/later';
import is from '@sindresorhus/is';
import equal from 'fast-deep-equal';
import { logger } from '../logger';
import type { HostRule } from '../types';
import { clone } from '../util/clone';
import { getOptions } from './definitions';
import type { PackageRule, RenovateConfig, RenovateOptions } from './types';
const options = getOptions();
let optionTypes: Record<string, RenovateOptions['type']>;
const removedOptions = [
export interface MigratedConfig {
isMigrated: boolean;
migratedConfig: RenovateConfig;
interface MigratedRenovateConfig extends RenovateConfig {
endpoints?: HostRule[];
pathRules: PackageRule[];
packages: PackageRule[];
node?: RenovateConfig;
travis?: RenovateConfig;
// Returns a migrated config
export function migrateConfig(
config: RenovateConfig,
// TODO: remove any type
parentKey?: string | any
): MigratedConfig {
try {
if (!optionTypes) {
optionTypes = {};
options.forEach((option) => {
optionTypes[option.name] = option.type;
const migratedConfig = clone(config) as MigratedRenovateConfig;
const depTypes = [
for (const [key, val] of Object.entries(config)) {
if (removedOptions.includes(key)) {
delete migratedConfig[key];
} else if (key === 'pathRules') {
if (is.array(val)) {
migratedConfig.packageRules = is.array(migratedConfig.packageRules)
? migratedConfig.packageRules
: [];
migratedConfig.packageRules = val.concat(migratedConfig.packageRules);
delete migratedConfig.pathRules;
} else if (key === 'suppressNotifications') {
if (is.nonEmptyArray(val) && val.includes('prEditNotification')) {
migratedConfig.suppressNotifications = migratedConfig.suppressNotifications.filter(
(item) => item !== 'prEditNotification'
} else if (key.startsWith('masterIssue')) {
const newKey = key.replace('masterIssue', 'dependencyDashboard');
migratedConfig[newKey] = val;
if (optionTypes[newKey] === 'boolean' && val === 'true') {
migratedConfig[newKey] = true;
delete migratedConfig[key];
} else if (key === 'gomodTidy') {
if (val) {
migratedConfig.postUpdateOptions =
migratedConfig.postUpdateOptions || [];
delete migratedConfig.gomodTidy;
} else if (key === 'semanticCommits') {
if (val === true) {
migratedConfig.semanticCommits = 'enabled';
} else if (val === false) {
migratedConfig.semanticCommits = 'disabled';
} else if (val !== 'enabled' && val !== 'disabled') {
migratedConfig.semanticCommits = 'auto';
} else if (parentKey === 'hostRules' && key === 'platform') {
migratedConfig.hostType = val;
delete migratedConfig.platform;
} else if (parentKey === 'hostRules' && key === 'endpoint') {
migratedConfig.baseUrl = val;
delete migratedConfig.endpoint;
} else if (parentKey === 'hostRules' && key === 'host') {
migratedConfig.hostName = val;
delete migratedConfig.host;
} else if (key === 'packageRules' && is.plainObject(val)) {
migratedConfig.packageRules = is.array(migratedConfig.packageRules)
? migratedConfig.packageRules
: [];
} else if (key === 'packageFiles' && is.array(val)) {
const fileList = [];
for (const packageFile of val) {
if (is.object(packageFile) && !is.array(packageFile)) {
fileList.push((packageFile as any).packageFile);
if (Object.keys(packageFile).length > 1) {
migratedConfig.packageRules = is.array(
? migratedConfig.packageRules
: [];
const payload = migrateConfig(packageFile as RenovateConfig, key)
for (const subrule of payload.packageRules || []) {
subrule.paths = [(packageFile as any).packageFile];
delete payload.packageFile;
delete payload.packageRules;
if (Object.keys(payload).length) {
paths: [(packageFile as any).packageFile],
} else {
migratedConfig.includePaths = fileList;
delete migratedConfig.packageFiles;
} else if (depTypes.includes(key)) {
migratedConfig.packageRules = is.array(migratedConfig.packageRules)
? migratedConfig.packageRules
: [];
const depTypePackageRule = migrateConfig(val as RenovateConfig, key)
depTypePackageRule.depTypeList = [key];
delete depTypePackageRule.packageRules;
delete migratedConfig[key];
} else if (key === 'pinVersions') {
delete migratedConfig.pinVersions;
if (val === true) {
migratedConfig.rangeStrategy = 'pin';
} else if (val === false) {
migratedConfig.rangeStrategy = 'replace';
} else if (is.string(val) && val.includes('{{baseDir}}')) {
migratedConfig[key] = val.replace(/{{baseDir}}/g, '{{packageFileDir}}');
} else if (key === 'gitFs') {
delete migratedConfig.gitFs;
} else if (key === 'rebaseStalePrs') {
delete migratedConfig.rebaseStalePrs;
if (!migratedConfig.rebaseWhen) {
if (val === null) {
migratedConfig.rebaseWhen = 'auto';
if (val === true) {
migratedConfig.rebaseWhen = 'behind-base-branch';
if (val === false) {
migratedConfig.rebaseWhen = 'conflicted';
} else if (key === 'rebaseConflictedPrs') {
delete migratedConfig.rebaseConflictedPrs;
if (val === false) {
migratedConfig.rebaseWhen = 'never';
} else if (key === 'exposeEnv') {
delete migratedConfig.exposeEnv;
if (val === true) {
migratedConfig.trustLevel = 'high';
} else if (val === false) {
migratedConfig.trustLevel = 'low';
} else if (
key === 'branchName' &&
is.string(val) &&
) {
migratedConfig.branchName = val.replace(
} else if (key === 'managerBranchPrefix') {
delete migratedConfig.managerBranchPrefix;
migratedConfig.additionalBranchPrefix = val;
} else if (
key === 'branchPrefix' &&
is.string(val) &&
) {
const templateIndex = val.indexOf(`{{`);
migratedConfig.branchPrefix = val.substring(0, templateIndex);
migratedConfig.additionalBranchPrefix = val.substring(templateIndex);
} else if (key === 'upgradeInRange') {
delete migratedConfig.upgradeInRange;
if (val === true) {
migratedConfig.rangeStrategy = 'bump';
} else if (key === 'versionStrategy') {
delete migratedConfig.versionStrategy;
if (val === 'widen') {
migratedConfig.rangeStrategy = 'widen';
} else if (key === 'semanticPrefix' && is.string(val)) {
delete migratedConfig.semanticPrefix;
let [text] = val.split(':') as any; // TODO: fixme
text = text.split('(');
[migratedConfig.semanticCommitType] = text;
if (text.length > 1) {
[migratedConfig.semanticCommitScope] = text[1].split(')');
} else {
migratedConfig.semanticCommitScope = null;
} else if (
key === 'extends' &&
(is.array<string>(val) || is.string(val))
) {
if (is.string(migratedConfig.extends)) {
migratedConfig.extends = [migratedConfig.extends];
const presets = migratedConfig.extends;
for (let i = 0; i < presets.length; i += 1) {
let preset = presets[i];
if (is.string(preset)) {
if (preset === 'config:application' || preset === ':js-app') {
preset = 'config:js-app';
} else if (preset === ':library' || preset === 'config:library') {
preset = 'config:js-lib';
} else if (preset.startsWith(':masterIssue')) {
preset = preset.replace('masterIssue', 'dependencyDashboard');
} else if (
[':unpublishSafe', 'default:unpublishSafe'].includes(preset)
) {
preset = 'npm:unpublishSafe';
presets[i] = preset;
} else if (key === 'unpublishSafe') {
if (val === true) {
migratedConfig.extends = migratedConfig.extends || [];
if (is.string(migratedConfig.extends)) {
migratedConfig.extends = [migratedConfig.extends];
if (
].some((x) => migratedConfig.extends.includes(x))
) {
delete migratedConfig.unpublishSafe;
} else if (key === 'versionScheme') {
migratedConfig.versioning = val;
delete migratedConfig.versionScheme;
} else if (
key === 'automergeType' &&
is.string(val) &&
) {
migratedConfig.automergeType = 'branch';
} else if (key === 'automergeMinor') {
migratedConfig.minor = migratedConfig.minor || {};
migratedConfig.minor.automerge = val == true; // eslint-disable-line eqeqeq
delete migratedConfig[key];
} else if (key === 'automergeMajor') {
migratedConfig.major = migratedConfig.major || {};
migratedConfig.major.automerge = val == true; // eslint-disable-line eqeqeq
delete migratedConfig[key];
} else if (key === 'multipleMajorPrs') {
delete migratedConfig.multipleMajorPrs;
migratedConfig.separateMultipleMajor = val;
} else if (key === 'renovateFork' && is.boolean(val)) {
delete migratedConfig.renovateFork;
migratedConfig.includeForks = val;
} else if (key === 'separateMajorReleases') {
delete migratedConfig.separateMultipleMajor;
migratedConfig.separateMajorMinor = val;
} else if (key === 'separatePatchReleases') {
delete migratedConfig.separatePatchReleases;
migratedConfig.separateMinorPatch = val;
} else if (key === 'automergePatch') {
migratedConfig.patch = migratedConfig.patch || {};
migratedConfig.patch.automerge = val == true; // eslint-disable-line eqeqeq
delete migratedConfig[key];
} else if (key === 'ignoreNodeModules') {
delete migratedConfig.ignoreNodeModules;
migratedConfig.ignorePaths = val ? ['node_modules/'] : [];
} else if (
key === 'automerge' &&
is.string(val) &&
['none', 'patch', 'minor', 'any'].includes(val)
) {
delete migratedConfig.automerge;
if (val === 'none') {
migratedConfig.automerge = false;
} else if (val === 'patch') {
migratedConfig.patch = migratedConfig.patch || {};
migratedConfig.patch.automerge = true;
migratedConfig.minor = migratedConfig.minor || {};
migratedConfig.minor.automerge = false;
migratedConfig.major = migratedConfig.major || {};
migratedConfig.major.automerge = false;
} else if (val === 'minor') {
migratedConfig.minor = migratedConfig.minor || {};
migratedConfig.minor.automerge = true;
migratedConfig.major = migratedConfig.major || {};
migratedConfig.major.automerge = false;
} /* istanbul ignore else: we can never go to else */ else if (
val === 'any'
) {
migratedConfig.automerge = true;
} else if (key === 'packages') {
migratedConfig.packageRules = is.array(migratedConfig.packageRules)
? migratedConfig.packageRules
: [];
migratedConfig.packageRules = migratedConfig.packageRules.concat(
delete migratedConfig.packages;
} else if (key === 'excludedPackageNames') {
migratedConfig.excludePackageNames = val;
delete migratedConfig.excludedPackageNames;
} else if (key === 'packageName') {
migratedConfig.packageNames = [val];
delete migratedConfig.packageName;
} else if (key === 'packagePattern') {
migratedConfig.packagePatterns = [val];
delete migratedConfig.packagePattern;
} else if (key === 'baseBranch') {
migratedConfig.baseBranches = (is.array(val) ? val : [val]) as string[];
delete migratedConfig.baseBranch;
} else if (key === 'schedule' && val) {
// massage to array first
const schedules = is.string(val) ? [val] : [...(val as string[])];
// split 'and'
const schedulesLength = schedules.length;
for (let i = 0; i < schedulesLength; i += 1) {
if (
schedules[i].includes(' and ') &&
schedules[i].includes('before ') &&
schedules[i].includes('after ')
) {
const parsedSchedule = later.parse.text(
// We need to massage short hours first before we can parse it
schedules[i].replace(/( \d?\d)((a|p)m)/g, '$1:00$2')
// Only migrate if the after time is greater than before, e.g. "after 10pm and before 5am"
if (parsedSchedule?.t_a?.[0] > parsedSchedule?.t_b?.[0]) {
const toSplit = schedules[i];
schedules[i] = toSplit
/^(.*?)(after|before) (.*?) and (after|before) (.*?)( |$)(.*)/,
'$1$2 $3 $7'
/^(.*?)(after|before) (.*?) and (after|before) (.*?)( |$)(.*)/,
'$1$4 $5 $7'
for (let i = 0; i < schedules.length; i += 1) {
if (schedules[i].includes('on the last day of the month')) {
schedules[i] = schedules[i].replace(
'on the last day of the month',
'on the first day of the month'
if (schedules[i].includes('on every weekday')) {
schedules[i] = schedules[i].replace(
'on every weekday',
'every weekday'
if (schedules[i].endsWith(' every day')) {
schedules[i] = schedules[i].replace(' every day', '');
if (
/every (mon|tues|wednes|thurs|fri|satur|sun)day$/.test(schedules[i])
) {
schedules[i] = schedules[i].replace(/every ([a-z]*day)$/, 'on $1');
if (schedules[i].endsWith('days')) {
schedules[i] = schedules[i].replace('days', 'day');
if (is.string(val) && schedules.length === 1) {
[migratedConfig.schedule] = schedules as any; // TODO: fixme
} else {
migratedConfig.schedule = schedules;
} else if (is.string(val) && val.startsWith('{{semanticPrefix}}')) {
migratedConfig[key] = val.replace(
'{{#if semanticCommitType}}{{semanticCommitType}}{{#if semanticCommitScope}}({{semanticCommitScope}}){{/if}}: {{/if}}'
} else if (key === 'depTypes' && is.array(val)) {
val.forEach((depType) => {
if (is.object(depType) && !is.array(depType)) {
const depTypeName = (depType as any).depType;
if (depTypeName) {
migratedConfig.packageRules = is.array(
? migratedConfig.packageRules
: [];
const newPackageRule = migrateConfig(
depType as RenovateConfig,
delete newPackageRule.depType;
newPackageRule.depTypeList = [depTypeName];
delete migratedConfig.depTypes;
} else if (optionTypes[key] === 'object' && is.boolean(val)) {
migratedConfig[key] = { enabled: val };
} else if (optionTypes[key] === 'boolean') {
if (val === 'true') {
migratedConfig[key] = true;
} else if (val === 'false') {
migratedConfig[key] = false;
} else if (
optionTypes[key] === 'string' &&
is.array(val) &&
val.length === 1
) {
migratedConfig[key] = String(val[0]);
} else if (key === 'node' && (val as RenovateConfig).enabled === true) {
delete migratedConfig.node.enabled;
migratedConfig.travis = migratedConfig.travis || {};
migratedConfig.travis.enabled = true;
if (Object.keys(migratedConfig.node).length) {
const subMigrate = migrateConfig(migratedConfig.node, key);
migratedConfig.node = subMigrate.migratedConfig;
} else {
delete migratedConfig.node;
} else if (is.array(val)) {
const newArray = [];
for (const item of migratedConfig[key] as unknown[]) {
if (is.object(item) && !is.array(item)) {
const arrMigrate = migrateConfig(item as RenovateConfig, key);
} else {
migratedConfig[key] = newArray;
} else if (key === 'compatibility' && is.object(val)) {
migratedConfig.constraints = migratedConfig.compatibility;
delete migratedConfig.compatibility;
} else if (is.object(val)) {
const subMigrate = migrateConfig(
migratedConfig[key] as RenovateConfig,
if (subMigrate.isMigrated) {
migratedConfig[key] = subMigrate.migratedConfig;
} else if (key === 'raiseDeprecationWarnings') {
delete migratedConfig.raiseDeprecationWarnings;
if (val === false) {
migratedConfig.suppressNotifications =
migratedConfig.suppressNotifications || [];
} else if (key === 'binarySource' && val === 'auto') {
migratedConfig.binarySource = 'global';
const migratedTemplates = {
fromVersion: 'currentVersion',
newValueMajor: 'newMajor',
newValueMinor: 'newMinor',
newVersionMajor: 'newMajor',
newVersionMinor: 'newMinor',
toVersion: 'newVersion',
if (is.string(migratedConfig[key])) {
for (const [from, to] of Object.entries(migratedTemplates)) {
migratedConfig[key] = (migratedConfig[key] as string).replace(
new RegExp(from, 'g'),
if (migratedConfig.endpoints) {
migratedConfig.hostRules = migratedConfig.endpoints;
delete migratedConfig.endpoints;
if (is.array(migratedConfig.packageRules)) {
const renameMap = {
paths: 'matchPaths',
languages: 'matchLanguages',
baseBranchList: 'matchBaseBranches',
managers: 'matchManagers',
datasources: 'matchDatasources',
depTypeList: 'matchDepTypes',
packageNames: 'matchPackageNames',
packagePatterns: 'matchPackagePatterns',
sourceUrlPrefixes: 'matchSourceUrlPrefixes',
updateTypes: 'matchUpdateTypes',
for (const packageRule of migratedConfig.packageRules) {
for (const [oldKey, ruleVal] of Object.entries(packageRule)) {
const newKey = renameMap[oldKey];
if (newKey) {
packageRule[newKey] = ruleVal;
delete packageRule[oldKey];
const isMigrated = !equal(config, migratedConfig);
if (isMigrated) {
// recursive call in case any migrated configs need further migrating
return {
migratedConfig: migrateConfig(migratedConfig).migratedConfig,
return { isMigrated, migratedConfig };
} catch (err) /* istanbul ignore next */ {
logger.debug({ config, err }, 'migrateConfig() error');
throw err;