Rhys Arkins 4349a21484
feat: buildkite plugin renovation (#1874)
This PR adds initial support for buildkite plugin renovation.

It supports `plugin-name` or `my/plugin-name` plugins, and fully specified semver versions only (e.g. `v1.3.2`). Currently it will always propose an upgrade to the latest version available, e.g. if current version is v1.3.1 and both v1.3.2 and v2.0.0 exist then v2.0.0 will be proposed. Looks for any yml file in the `.buildkite/` directory.

Closes #1869
2018-04-27 19:54:44 +02:00

985 lines
24 KiB

const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
function template(name, subdir = 'default/') {
const shortName = `${name.replace(/([A-Z])/g, '-$1').toLowerCase()}.hbs`;
const hbsContents = fs.readFileSync(
// Long path is so that it works whether code is run from lib or dist
path.resolve(__dirname, '../config/templates/', subdir, shortName),
// Strip off any trailing line break
return hbsContents.replace(/\r?\n$/, '');
module.exports = {
const options = [
name: 'extends',
'Configuration presets to use/extend. Note: does not work if configured in config.js',
stage: 'package',
type: 'list',
allowString: true,
cli: false,
name: 'description',
description: 'Plain text description for a config or preset',
type: 'list',
allowString: true,
mergeable: true,
cli: false,
env: false,
name: 'enabled',
description: 'Enable or disable renovate',
stage: 'package',
type: 'boolean',
cli: false,
env: false,
// Log options
name: 'logLevel',
description: 'Logging level',
stage: 'global',
type: 'string',
default: 'info',
env: 'LOG_LEVEL',
name: 'logFile',
description: 'Log file path',
stage: 'global',
type: 'string',
name: 'logFileLevel',
description: 'Log file log level',
stage: 'global',
type: 'string',
default: 'debug',
// Onboarding
name: 'onboarding',
description: 'Require a Configuration PR first',
stage: 'repository',
type: 'boolean',
admin: true,
name: 'onboardingConfig',
description: 'Configuration to use in onboarding PRs',
stage: 'repository',
type: 'json',
default: {},
admin: true,
mergeable: true,
cli: false,
name: 'renovateFork',
description: 'Whether to renovate a forked repository or not.',
stage: 'repository',
type: 'boolean',
default: false,
name: 'forkMode',
'Set to true if Renovate should fork the source repository and create branches there instead',
stage: 'repository',
type: 'boolean',
default: false,
admin: true,
name: 'mirrorMode',
'Set to true if Renovate should use fork mode with a renovate.json in branch `renovate-config`',
stage: 'repository',
type: 'boolean',
default: false,
admin: true,
name: 'requireConfig',
'Set to true if repositories must have a config to activate Renovate.',
stage: 'repository',
type: 'boolean',
default: false,
admin: true,
// encryption
name: 'privateKey',
description: 'Server-side private key',
stage: 'repository',
type: 'string',
replaceLineReturns: true,
admin: true,
name: 'encrypted',
'A configuration object containing configuration encrypted with project key. Valid inside renovate.json only',
stage: 'repository',
type: 'json',
default: null,
// Scheduling
name: 'timezone',
'[IANA Time Zone](',
type: 'string',
name: 'schedule',
description: 'Times of day/week to renovate',
type: 'list',
allowString: true,
cli: false,
env: false,
name: 'updateNotScheduled',
'Whether to update (but not create) branches when not scheduled',
stage: 'branch',
type: 'boolean',
// Bot administration
name: 'exposeEnv',
'Enable this to expose bot process.env to repositories for npmrc substitution and package installation',
stage: 'global',
type: 'boolean',
default: false,
name: 'platform',
description: 'Platform type of repository',
stage: 'repository',
type: 'string',
default: 'github',
admin: true,
name: 'endpoint',
description: 'Custom endpoint to use',
stage: 'repository',
type: 'string',
admin: true,
default: null,
name: 'token',
description: 'Repository Auth Token',
stage: 'repository',
type: 'string',
admin: true,
name: 'npmrc',
description: 'String copy of npmrc file. Use \\n instead of line breaks',
stage: 'branch',
type: 'string',
name: 'npmToken',
description: 'npm token used for autnenticating with the default registry',
stage: 'branch',
type: 'string',
name: 'yarnrc',
description: 'String copy of yarnrc file. Use \\n instead of line breaks',
stage: 'branch',
type: 'string',
name: 'copyLocalLibs',
'enable copy local libraries found in package.json like `"lib1: file:../path/to/folder"`, warning: feature may be deprecated in future.',
type: 'boolean',
default: false,
name: 'updateLockFiles',
description: 'Set to false to disable lock file updating',
type: 'boolean',
name: 'ignoreNpmrcFile',
description: 'Whether to ignore any .npmrc file found in repository',
stage: 'packageFile',
type: 'boolean',
default: false,
name: 'autodiscover',
description: 'Autodiscover all repositories',
stage: 'global',
type: 'boolean',
default: false,
name: 'repositories',
description: 'List of Repositories',
stage: 'global',
type: 'list',
cli: false,
name: 'baseBranches',
'An array of one or more custom base branches to be renovated. If left empty, the default branch will be renovate',
type: 'list',
cli: false,
env: false,
name: 'gitAuthor',
description: 'Author to use for git commits. RFC5322',
type: 'string',
name: 'gitPrivateKey',
description: 'PGP key to use for signing git commits',
type: 'string',
cli: false,
admin: true,
name: 'enabledManagers',
'A list of package managers to enable. If defined, then all managers not on the list are disabled.',
type: 'list',
stage: 'repository',
name: 'packageFiles',
description: 'Package file paths',
type: 'list',
stage: 'branch',
name: 'ignorePaths',
'Skip any package.json whose path matches one of these. Can be string or glob pattern',
type: 'list',
stage: 'repository',
default: ['**/node_modules/**', '**/bower_components/**'],
name: 'pathRules',
'Apply config on a path-based basis. Consists of a paths array plus whatever other configuration objects to apply',
type: 'list',
stage: 'repository',
mergeable: true,
cli: false,
env: false,
name: 'paths',
'List of strings or glob patterns to match against package files. Applicable inside pathRules only',
type: 'list',
stage: 'repository',
cli: false,
env: false,
name: 'dependencies',
description: 'Configuration specifically for `package.json`>`dependencies`',
stage: 'packageFile',
type: 'json',
default: {},
mergeable: true,
cli: false,
name: 'devDependencies',
'Configuration specifically for `package.json`>`devDependencies`',
stage: 'packageFile',
type: 'json',
default: {},
mergeable: true,
cli: false,
name: 'optionalDependencies',
'Configuration specifically for `package.json`>`optionalDependencies`',
stage: 'packageFile',
type: 'json',
default: {},
mergeable: true,
cli: false,
name: 'peerDependencies',
'Configuration specifically for `package.json`>`peerDependencies`',
stage: 'packageFile',
type: 'json',
default: {},
mergeable: true,
cli: false,
name: 'engines',
description: 'Configuration specifically for `package.json`>`engines`',
stage: 'packageFile',
type: 'json',
default: {},
mergeable: true,
cli: false,
// depType
name: 'ignoreDeps',
description: 'Dependencies to ignore',
type: 'list',
stage: 'depType',
name: 'packageRules',
description: 'Rules for matching package names',
type: 'list',
stage: 'depType',
mergeable: true,
cli: false,
env: false,
name: 'depTypeList',
'List of depTypes to match (e.g. [`peerDependencies`]). Valid only within `packageRules` object',
type: 'list',
allowString: true,
stage: 'depType',
mergeable: true,
cli: false,
env: false,
name: 'packageNames',
'Package names to match. Valid only within `packageRules` object',
type: 'list',
allowString: true,
stage: 'depType',
mergeable: true,
cli: false,
env: false,
name: 'excludePackageNames',
'Package names to exclude. Valid only within `packageRules` object',
type: 'list',
allowString: true,
stage: 'depType',
mergeable: true,
cli: false,
env: false,
name: 'packagePatterns',
'Package name patterns to match. Valid only within `packageRules` object.',
type: 'list',
allowString: true,
stage: 'depType',
mergeable: true,
cli: false,
env: false,
name: 'excludePackagePatterns',
'Package name patterns to exclude. Valid only within `packageRules` object.',
type: 'list',
allowString: true,
stage: 'depType',
mergeable: true,
cli: false,
env: false,
name: 'matchCurrentVersion',
'A version or version range to match against the current version of a package. Valid only within `packageRules` object',
type: 'string',
stage: 'depType',
mergeable: true,
cli: false,
env: false,
// Version behaviour
name: 'allowedVersions',
description: 'A semver range defining allowed versions for dependencies',
type: 'string',
stage: 'package',
cli: false,
env: false,
name: 'pinDigests',
description: 'Whether to add digests to Dockerfile source images',
stage: 'package',
type: 'boolean',
name: 'pinVersions',
description: 'Convert ranged versions to pinned versions',
stage: 'package',
type: 'boolean',
default: false,
name: 'separateMajorReleases',
'If set to false, it will upgrade dependencies to latest release only, and not separate major/minor branches',
stage: 'package',
type: 'boolean',
name: 'multipleMajorPrs',
'If set to true, PRs will be raised separately for each available major upgrade version',
stage: 'package',
type: 'boolean',
default: false,
name: 'separatePatchReleases',
'If set to true, it will separate minor and patch updates into separate branches',
stage: 'package',
type: 'boolean',
default: false,
name: 'ignoreUnstable',
description: 'Ignore versions with unstable semver',
stage: 'package',
type: 'boolean',
name: 'unstablePattern',
description: 'Regex for identifying unstable versions (docker only)',
stage: 'package',
type: 'string',
cli: false,
env: false,
name: 'respectLatest',
description: 'Ignore versions newer than npm "latest" version',
stage: 'package',
type: 'boolean',
name: 'upgradeInRange',
'Upgrade ranges to latest version even if latest version satisfies existing range',
stage: 'package',
type: 'boolean',
default: false,
name: 'versionStrategy',
'Strategy for how to modify/update existing versions/semver. Possible values: auto, replace, or widen',
stage: 'package',
type: 'string',
default: 'auto',
cli: false,
env: false,
name: 'branchPrefix',
description: 'Prefix to use for all branch names',
stage: 'branch',
type: 'string',
default: 'renovate/',
name: 'bumpVersion',
description: 'Bump the version in the package.json being updated',
type: 'string',
// Major/Minor/Patch
name: 'major',
description: 'Configuration to apply when an update type is major',
stage: 'package',
type: 'json',
default: {},
cli: false,
mergeable: true,
name: 'minor',
description: 'Configuration to apply when an update type is minor',
stage: 'package',
type: 'json',
default: {},
cli: false,
mergeable: true,
name: 'patch',
'Configuration to apply when an update type is patch. Only applies if `separatePatchReleases` is set to true',
stage: 'package',
type: 'json',
default: {
cli: false,
mergeable: true,
name: 'pin',
description: 'Configuration to apply when an update type is pin.',
stage: 'package',
type: 'json',
default: {
unpublishSafe: false,
recreateClosed: true,
rebaseStalePrs: true,
groupName: 'Pin Dependencies',
commitMessageAction: 'Pin',
group: {
commitMessageTopic: 'dependencies',
cli: false,
mergeable: true,
name: 'digest',
'Configuration to apply when updating a Docker digest (same tag)',
stage: 'package',
type: 'json',
default: {},
cli: false,
mergeable: true,
// Semantic commit / Semantic release
name: 'semanticCommits',
description: 'Enable semantic commit prefixes for commits and PR titles',
type: 'boolean',
default: null,
name: 'semanticCommitType',
description: 'Commit type to use if semantic commits is enabled',
type: 'string',
default: 'chore',
name: 'semanticCommitScope',
description: 'Commit scope to use if semantic commits are enabled',
type: 'string',
default: 'deps',
// PR Behaviour
name: 'recreateClosed',
description: 'Recreate PRs even if same ones were closed previously',
type: 'boolean',
default: false,
name: 'rebaseStalePrs',
description: 'Rebase stale PRs (GitHub only)',
type: 'boolean',
default: null,
name: 'statusCheckVerify',
description: '`Set a "renovate/verify" status check for all PRs`',
type: 'boolean',
default: false,
name: 'unpublishSafe',
description: 'Set a status check for unpublish-safe upgrades',
type: 'boolean',
default: false,
name: 'prCreation',
'When to create the PR for a branch. Values: immediate, not-pending, status-success.',
type: 'string',
default: 'immediate',
name: 'prNotPendingHours',
description: 'Timeout in hours for when prCreation=not-pending',
type: 'integer',
// Must be at least 24 hours to give time for the unpublishSafe check to "complete".
default: 25,
name: 'prHourlyLimit',
'Rate limit PRs to maximum x created per hour. 0 (default) means no limit.',
type: 'integer',
default: 0, // no limit
name: 'prConcurrentLimit',
'Limit to a maximum of x concurrent branches/PRs. 0 (default) means no limit.',
type: 'integer',
default: 0, // no limit
// Automatic merging
name: 'automerge',
'Whether to automerge branches/PRs automatically, without human intervention',
type: 'boolean',
default: false,
name: 'automergeType',
'How to automerge - "branch-merge-commit", "branch-push" or "pr". Branch support is GitHub-only',
type: 'string',
default: 'pr',
name: 'requiredStatusChecks',
'List of status checks that must pass before automerging. Set to null to enable automerging without tests.',
type: 'list',
cli: false,
env: false,
// Default templates
name: 'branchName',
description: 'Branch name template',
type: 'string',
default: '{{{branchPrefix}}}{{{managerBranchPrefix}}}{{{branchTopic}}}',
cli: false,
name: 'managerBranchPrefix',
description: 'Branch manager prefix',
type: 'string',
default: '',
cli: false,
name: 'branchTopic',
description: 'Branch topic',
type: 'string',
default: '{{{depNameSanitized}}}-{{{newVersionMajor}}}.x',
cli: false,
name: 'commitMessage',
description: 'Message to use for commit messages and pull request titles',
type: 'string',
'{{{commitMessagePrefix}}} {{{commitMessageAction}}} {{{commitMessageTopic}}} {{{commitMessageExtra}}} {{{commitMessageSuffix}}}',
cli: false,
name: 'commitBody',
'Commit message body template. Will be appended to commit message, separated by two line returns.',
type: 'string',
cli: false,
name: 'commitMessagePrefix',
'Prefix to add to start of commit messages and PR titles. Uses a semantic prefix if semanticCommits enabled',
type: 'string',
cli: false,
name: 'commitMessageAction',
description: 'Action verb to use in commit messages and PR titles',
type: 'string',
default: 'Update',
cli: false,
name: 'commitMessageTopic',
description: 'The upgrade topic/noun used in commit messages and PR titles',
type: 'string',
default: 'dependency {{depName}}',
cli: false,
name: 'commitMessageExtra',
'Extra description used after the commit message topic - typically the version',
type: 'string',
'to {{#if isMajor}}v{{{newVersionMajor}}}{{else}}{{#unless isRange}}v{{/unless}}{{{newVersion}}}{{/if}}',
cli: false,
name: 'prTitle',
'Pull Request title template (deprecated). Now uses commitMessage.',
type: 'string',
default: null,
cli: false,
name: 'prBody',
description: 'Pull Request body template',
type: 'string',
default: template('prBody'),
cli: false,
name: 'prFooter',
description: 'Pull Request footer template',
type: 'string',
'This PR has been generated by [Renovate Bot](',
stage: 'global',
// Yarn Lock Maintenance
name: 'lockFileMaintenance',
description: 'Configuration for lock file maintenance',
stage: 'packageFile',
type: 'json',
default: {
enabled: false,
recreateClosed: true,
rebaseStalePrs: true,
branchTopic: 'lock-file-maintenance',
commitMessageAction: 'Lock file maintenance',
commitMessageTopic: null,
commitMessageExtra: null,
prBody: template('prBody', 'lock-file-maintenance'),
schedule: ['before 5am on monday'],
groupName: null,
cli: false,
mergeable: true,
// Dependency Groups
name: 'lazyGrouping',
description: 'Use group names only when multiple dependencies upgraded',
type: 'boolean',
default: true,
name: 'groupName',
description: 'Human understandable name for the dependency group',
type: 'string',
default: null,
name: 'groupSlug',
'Slug to use for group (e.g. in branch name). Will be calculated from groupName if null',
type: 'string',
default: null,
cli: false,
env: false,
name: 'group',
description: 'Config if groupName is enabled',
type: 'json',
default: {
branchTopic: '{{{groupSlug}}}',
commitMessageTopic: '{{{groupName}}}',
prBody: template('prBody', 'group'),
cli: false,
env: false,
mergeable: true,
// Pull Request options
name: 'labels',
description: 'Labels to add to Pull Request',
type: 'list',
name: 'assignees',
'Assignees for Pull Request (username in GitHub/GitLab, email address in VSTS)',
type: 'list',
name: 'reviewers',
'Requested reviewers for Pull Requests (username in GitHub/GitLab, email or username in VSTS)',
type: 'list',
name: 'npm',
description: 'Configuration object for npm package.json renovation',
stage: 'repository',
type: 'json',
default: {},
mergeable: true,
name: 'meteor',
description: 'Configuration object for meteor package.js renovation',
stage: 'repository',
type: 'json',
default: {},
mergeable: true,
name: 'bazel',
description: 'Configuration object for bazel WORKSPACE renovation',
stage: 'repository',
type: 'json',
default: {},
mergeable: true,
name: 'buildkite',
description: 'Configuration object for buildkite pipeline renovation',
stage: 'repository',
type: 'json',
default: {
enabled: false,
commitMessageTopic: 'buildkite plugin {{depName}}',
commitMessageExtra: 'to {{newVersion}}',
managerBranchPrefix: 'buildkite-',
prBody: template('prBody', 'buildkite'),
mergeable: true,
name: 'supportPolicy',
'Dependency support policy, e.g. used for LTS vs non-LTS etc (node-only)',
type: 'list',
allowString: true,
name: 'node',
description: 'Configuration object for node version renovation',
stage: 'repository',
type: 'json',
default: {
groupName: 'Node.js',
lazyGrouping: false,
group: {
commitMessageTopic: 'Node.js',
mergeable: true,
cli: false,
name: 'travis',
description: 'Configuration object for .travis.yml node version renovation',
stage: 'repository',
type: 'json',
default: { enabled: false },
mergeable: true,
cli: false,
name: 'nvm',
description: 'Configuration object for .nvmrc files',
state: 'repository',
type: 'json',
default: {},
mergeable: true,
cli: false,
name: 'docker',
description: 'Configuration object for Dockerfile renovation',
stage: 'repository',
type: 'json',
default: {
managerBranchPrefix: 'docker-',
commitMessageTopic: '{{{depName}}} Docker tag',
prBody: template('prBody', 'docker'),
major: { enabled: false },
digest: {
branchTopic: '{{{depNameSanitized}}}-{{{currentTag}}}',
commitMessageExtra: 'to {{newDigestShort}}',
prBody: template('prBody', 'docker-digest'),
commitMessageTopic: '{{{depName}}}:{{{currentTag}}} Docker digest',
group: {
prBody: template('prBody', 'docker-digest-group'),
commitMessageTopic: '{{{groupName}}}',
pin: {
commitMessageExtra: '',
prBody: template('prBody', 'docker-pin'),
groupName: 'Docker digests',
group: {
prBody: template('prBody', 'docker-pin-group'),
commitMessageTopic: '{{{groupName}}}',
branchTopic: 'digests-pin',
group: {
commitMessageTopic: '{{{groupName}}} Docker tags',
prBody: template('prBody', 'docker-group'),
mergeable: true,
cli: false,
name: 'docker-compose',
'Configuration object for Docker Compose renovation. Also inherits settings from `docker` object.',
stage: 'repository',
type: 'json',
default: {},
mergeable: true,
cli: false,
name: 'circleci',
'Configuration object for CircleCI yml renovation. Also inherits settings from `docker` object.',
stage: 'repository',
type: 'json',
default: {},
mergeable: true,
cli: false,
function getOptions() {
return options;