2021-04-19 14:42:29 +00:00

585 lines
15 KiB

import type { Preset } from '../types';
export const presets: Record<string, Preset> = {
enableRenovate: {
description: 'Enable renovate',
enabled: true,
disableRenovate: {
description: 'Disable renovate',
enabled: false,
disableMajorUpdates: {
description: 'Disables major updates',
major: {
enabled: false,
disableDomain: {
description: 'Disable requests to a particular domain',
hostRules: [
domainName: '{{arg0}}',
enabled: false,
disableHost: {
description: 'Disable requests to a particular hostName',
hostRules: [
hostName: '{{arg0}}',
enabled: false,
ignoreModulesAndTests: {
'Ignore `node_modules`, `bower_components`, `vendor` and various test/tests directories',
ignorePaths: [
includeNodeModules: {
'Include <code>package.json</code> files found within <code>node_modules</code> folders or <code>bower_components</code>.',
ignorePaths: [],
pinVersions: {
'Use version pinning (maintain a single version only and not semver ranges)',
rangeStrategy: 'pin',
preserveSemverRanges: {
'Preserve (but continue to upgrade) any existing semver ranges',
rangeStrategy: 'replace',
pinAllExceptPeerDependencies: {
'Pin dependency versions for all except <code>peerDependencies</code>',
packageRules: [
matchPackagePatterns: ['*'],
rangeStrategy: 'pin',
matchDepTypes: ['engines', 'peerDependencies'],
rangeStrategy: 'auto',
pinDependencies: {
description: 'Pin dependency versions for <code>dependencies</code>',
packageRules: [
matchDepTypes: ['dependencies'],
rangeStrategy: 'pin',
pinDevDependencies: {
description: 'Pin dependency versions for <code>devDependencies</code>',
packageRules: [
matchDepTypes: ['devDependencies'],
rangeStrategy: 'pin',
pinOnlyDevDependencies: {
'Pin dependency versions for <code>devDependencies</code> and retain semver ranges for others',
packageRules: [
matchPackagePatterns: ['*'],
rangeStrategy: 'replace',
matchDepTypes: ['devDependencies'],
rangeStrategy: 'pin',
matchDepTypes: ['peerDependencies'],
rangeStrategy: 'widen',
autodetectPinVersions: {
description: 'Autodetect whether to pin dependencies or maintain ranges',
rangeStrategy: 'auto',
separateMajorReleases: {
'Separate major versions of dependencies into individual branches/PRs',
separateMajorMinor: true,
separateMultipleMajorReleases: {
'Separate each available major versions of dependencies into individual branches/PRs',
separateMajorMinor: true,
separateMultipleMajor: true,
separatePatchReleases: {
'Separate patch and minor releases of dependencies into separate PRs',
separateMinorPatch: true,
combinePatchMinorReleases: {
'Do not separate patch and minor upgrades into separate PRs for the same dependency',
separateMinorPatch: false,
renovatePrefix: {
description: 'Use <code>renovate/</code> as prefix for all branch names',
branchPrefix: 'renovate/',
semanticCommitType: {
'Use <code>{{arg0}}</code> as semantic commit type for commit messages and PR titles',
semanticCommitType: '{{arg0}}',
semanticPrefixChore: {
'Use <code>chore</code> as semantic commit type for commit messages and PR titles',
extends: [':semanticCommitType(chore)'],
semanticPrefixFix: {
'Use <code>fix</code> as semantic commit type for commit messages and PR titles',
extends: [':semanticCommitType(fix)'],
disablePeerDependencies: {
'Do not renovate <code>peerDependencies</code> versions/ranges',
packageRules: [
matchDepTypes: ['peerDependencies'],
enabled: false,
disableDevDependencies: {
description: 'Do not renovate <code>devDependencies</code> versions/ranges',
packageRules: [
matchDepTypes: ['devDependencies'],
enabled: false,
disableDigestUpdates: {
description: 'Disable digest and git hash updates',
digest: {
enabled: false,
semanticPrefixFixDepsChoreOthers: {
'If semantic commits detected, use semantic commit type <code>fix</code> for dependencies and <code>chore</code> for all others',
packageRules: [
matchPackagePatterns: ['*'],
semanticCommitType: 'chore',
matchDepTypes: ['dependencies', 'require'],
semanticCommitType: 'fix',
semanticCommitTypeAll: {
'If semantic commits detected, use semantic commit type <code>{{arg0}}</code> for all',
packageRules: [
matchPackagePatterns: ['*'],
semanticCommitType: '{{arg0}}',
rebaseStalePrs: {
'Rebase existing PRs any time the base branch has been updated',
rebaseWhen: 'behind-base-branch',
prImmediately: {
description: 'Raise PRs immediately (after branch is created)',
prCreation: 'immediate',
prNotPending: {
'Wait until branch tests have passed or failed before creating the PR',
prCreation: 'not-pending',
prHourlyLimitNone: {
description: 'Removes rate limit for PR creation per hour',
prHourlyLimit: 0,
prHourlyLimit1: {
description: 'Rate limit PR creation to a maximum of one per hour',
prHourlyLimit: 1,
prHourlyLimit2: {
description: 'Rate limit PR creation to a maximum of two per hour',
prHourlyLimit: 2,
prHourlyLimit4: {
description: 'Rate limit PR creation to a maximum of four per hour',
prHourlyLimit: 4,
prConcurrentLimitNone: {
description: 'Remove limit for open PRs',
prConcurrentLimit: 0,
prConcurrentLimit10: {
description: 'Limit to maximum 10 open PRs',
prConcurrentLimit: 10,
prConcurrentLimit20: {
description: 'Limit to maximum 20 open PRs at any time',
prConcurrentLimit: 20,
disableRateLimiting: {
description: 'Remove hourly and concurrent rate limits',
prConcurrentLimit: 0,
prHourlyLimit: 0,
automergeDisabled: {
'Disable automerging feature - wait for humans to merge all PRs',
automerge: false,
automergeDigest: {
description: 'Automerge digest upgrades if they pass tests',
digest: {
automerge: true,
automergePatch: {
description: 'Automerge patch upgrades if they pass tests',
separateMinorPatch: true,
patch: {
automerge: true,
pin: {
automerge: true,
lockFileMaintenance: {
automerge: true,
automergeMinor: {
description: 'Automerge patch and minor upgrades if they pass tests',
minor: {
automerge: true,
patch: {
automerge: true,
pin: {
automerge: true,
lockFileMaintenance: {
automerge: true,
automergeMajor: {
description: 'Automerge all upgrades (including major) if they pass tests',
automerge: true,
automergeAll: {
description: 'Automerge all upgrades (including major) if they pass tests',
automerge: true,
automergeBranch: {
'If automerging, push the new commit directly to base branch (no PR)',
automergeType: 'branch',
automergePr: {
description: 'Raise a PR first before any automerging',
automergeType: 'pr',
automergeRequireAllStatusChecks: {
description: 'Require all status checks to pass before any automerging',
requiredStatusChecks: [],
skipStatusChecks: {
description: 'Skip status checks and automerge right away',
requiredStatusChecks: null,
maintainLockFilesDisabled: {
'Update existing lock files only when <code>package.json</code> is modified',
lockFileMaintenance: {
enabled: false,
pinDigestsDisabled: {
description: 'Disable pinning of docker dependency digests',
pinDigests: false,
maintainLockFilesWeekly: {
description: 'Run lock file maintenance (updates) early Monday mornings',
lockFileMaintenance: {
enabled: true,
extends: ['schedule:weekly'],
maintainLockFilesMonthly: {
'Run lock file maintenance (updates) on the first day of each month',
lockFileMaintenance: {
enabled: true,
extends: ['schedule:monthly'],
ignoreUnstable: {
'Upgrade to unstable versions only if the existing version is unstable',
ignoreUnstable: true,
respectLatest: {
description: 'Upgrade versions up to the "latest" tag in npm registry',
respectLatest: true,
updateNotScheduled: {
description: 'Keep existing branches updated even when not scheduled',
updateNotScheduled: true,
noUnscheduledUpdates: {
description: 'Make no updates to branches when not scheduled',
updateNotScheduled: false,
automergeLinters: {
description: 'Update lint packages automatically if tests pass',
packageRules: [
extends: ['packages:linters'],
automerge: true,
automergeTesters: {
description: 'Update testing packages automatically if tests pass',
packageRules: [
extends: ['packages:test'],
automerge: true,
automergeTypes: {
description: 'Update @types/* packages automatically if tests pass',
packageRules: [
matchPackagePrefixes: ['@types/'],
automerge: true,
doNotPinPackage: {
description: 'Disable version pinning for <code>{{arg0}}</code>',
packageRules: [
matchPackageNames: ['{{arg0}}'],
rangeStrategy: 'replace',
pinSkipCi: {
description: 'Add [skip ci] to commit message body whenever pinning',
pin: {
commitBody: '[skip ci]',
gitSignOff: {
description: 'Append git Signed-off-by signature to git commits.',
commitBody: 'Signed-off-by: {{{gitAuthor}}}',
npm: {
description: 'Keep package.json npm dependencies updated',
npm: {
enabled: true,
gomod: {
description: 'Enable Go modules support',
gomod: {
enabled: true,
onlyNpm: {
description: 'Renovate only npm dependencies',
docker: {
enabled: false,
meteor: {
enabled: false,
docker: {
description: 'Keep Dockerfile FROM sources updated',
docker: {
enabled: true,
meteor: {
description: 'Keep Meteor Npm.depends packages updated',
meteor: {
enabled: true,
group: {
description: 'Group {{arg1}} packages into same branch/PR',
packageRules: [
extends: ['{{arg0}}'],
groupName: '{{arg1}}',
label: {
description: 'Apply label <code>{{arg0}}</code> to PRs',
labels: ['{{arg0}}'],
labels: {
'Apply labels <code>{{arg0}}</code> and <code>{{arg1}}</code> to PRs',
labels: ['{{arg0}}', '{{arg1}}'],
assignee: {
description: 'Assign PRs to <code>{{arg0}}</code>',
assignees: ['{{arg0}}'],
reviewer: {
description: 'Add <code>{{arg0}}</code> as reviewer for PRs',
reviewers: ['{{arg0}}'],
assignAndReview: {
description: 'Set <code>{{arg0}}</code> as assignee and reviewer of PRs',
extends: [':assignee({{arg0}})', ':reviewer({{arg0}})'],
enableVulnerabilityAlerts: {
description: 'Raise PR when vulnerability alerts are detected',
vulnerabilityAlerts: {
enabled: true,
enableVulnerabilityAlertsWithLabel: {
'Raise PR when vulnerability alerts are detected with label <code>{{arg0}}</code>',
vulnerabilityAlerts: {
enabled: true,
labels: ['{{arg0}}'],
disableVulnerabilityAlerts: {
description: 'Disable vulnerability alerts completely',
vulnerabilityAlerts: {
enabled: false,
semanticCommits: {
description: 'Use semantic prefixes for commit messages and PR titles',
semanticCommits: 'enabled',
semanticCommitsDisabled: {
description: 'Disable semantic prefixes for commit messages and PR titles',
semanticCommits: 'disabled',
disableLockFiles: {
description: 'Disable lock file updates',
updateLockFiles: false,
semanticCommitScope: {
'Use semantic commit scope <code>{{arg0}}</code> for all commits and PR titles',
semanticCommitScope: '{{arg0}}',
semanticCommitScopeDisabled: {
description: 'Disable semantic commit scope for all commits and PR titles',
semanticCommitScope: null,
widenPeerDependencies: {
'Always widen peerDependencies semver ranges when updating, instead of replacing',
packageRules: [
matchDepTypes: ['peerDependencies'],
rangeStrategy: 'widen',
dependencyDashboard: {
description: 'Enable Renovate Dependency Dashboard creation',
dependencyDashboard: true,
dependencyDashboardApproval: {
description: 'Enable Renovate Dependency Dashboard approval workflow',
dependencyDashboardApproval: true,
timezone: {
description: 'Evaluate schedules according to timezone {{arg0}}',
timezone: '{{arg0}}',
pathSemanticCommitType: {
'Use semanticCommitType {{arg0}} for all package files matching path {{arg1}}',
packageRules: [
matchPaths: ['{{arg0}}'],
semanticCommitType: '{{arg1}}',
followTag: {
'For package <code>{{arg0}}</code>, strictly follow release tag <code>{{arg1}}</code>',
packageRules: [
matchPackageNames: ['{{arg0}}'],
followTag: '{{arg1}}',
githubComToken: {
description: 'Use provided token for lookups',
hostRules: [
domainName: '',
encrypted: {
token: '{{arg0}}',
disablePrControls: {
description: 'Remove the checkbox controls from PRs',
enableGradleLite: {
description: 'Enable the gradle-lite manager',
'gradle-lite': {
enabled: true,
switchToGradleLite: {
description: 'Enable the gradle-lite manager and disable gradle',
gradle: {
enabled: false,
'gradle-lite': {
enabled: true,