mirror of
synced 2025-01-15 09:06:25 +00:00
394 lines
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394 lines
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import { dirname } from 'path';
import is from '@sindresorhus/is';
import validateNpmPackageName from 'validate-npm-package-name';
import { CONFIG_VALIDATION } from '../../../constants/error-messages';
import * as datasourceGithubTags from '../../../datasource/github-tags';
import * as datasourceNpm from '../../../datasource/npm';
import { logger } from '../../../logger';
import { SkipReason } from '../../../types';
import {
} from '../../../util/fs';
import * as nodeVersioning from '../../../versioning/node';
import { isValid, isVersion } from '../../../versioning/npm';
import {
} from '../../common';
import { NpmPackage, NpmPackageDependeny } from './common';
import { getLockedVersions } from './locked-versions';
import { detectMonorepos } from './monorepo';
import { mightBeABrowserLibrary } from './type';
function parseDepName(depType: string, key: string): string {
if (depType !== 'resolutions') {
return key;
const [, depName] = /((?:@[^/]+\/)?[^/@]+)$/.exec(key);
return depName;
export async function extractPackageFile(
content: string,
fileName: string,
config: ExtractConfig
): Promise<PackageFile | null> {
logger.trace({ content });
const deps: PackageDependency[] = [];
let packageJson: NpmPackage;
try {
packageJson = JSON.parse(content);
} catch (err) {
logger.debug({ fileName }, 'Invalid JSON');
return null;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-underscore-dangle
if (packageJson._id && packageJson._args && packageJson._from) {
logger.debug('Ignoring vendorised package.json');
return null;
if (fileName !== 'package.json' && packageJson.renovate) {
const error = new Error(CONFIG_VALIDATION);
error.configFile = fileName;
error.validationError =
'Nested package.json must not contain renovate configuration. Please use `packageRules` with `paths` in your main config instead.';
throw error;
const packageJsonName = packageJson.name;
`npm file ${fileName} has name ${JSON.stringify(packageJsonName)}`
const packageJsonVersion = packageJson.version;
let yarnWorkspacesPackages: string[];
if (is.array(packageJson.workspaces)) {
yarnWorkspacesPackages = packageJson.workspaces;
} else {
yarnWorkspacesPackages = packageJson.workspaces?.packages;
const packageJsonType = mightBeABrowserLibrary(packageJson)
? 'library'
: 'app';
const lockFiles: NpmLockFiles = {
yarnLock: 'yarn.lock',
packageLock: 'package-lock.json',
shrinkwrapJson: 'npm-shrinkwrap.json',
pnpmShrinkwrap: 'pnpm-lock.yaml',
for (const [key, val] of Object.entries(lockFiles)) {
const filePath = getSiblingFileName(fileName, val);
if (await readLocalFile(filePath, 'utf8')) {
lockFiles[key] = filePath;
} else {
lockFiles[key] = undefined;
lockFiles.npmLock = lockFiles.packageLock || lockFiles.shrinkwrapJson;
delete lockFiles.packageLock;
delete lockFiles.shrinkwrapJson;
let npmrc: string;
let ignoreNpmrcFile: boolean;
const npmrcFileName = getSiblingFileName(fileName, '.npmrc');
// istanbul ignore if
if (config.ignoreNpmrcFile) {
await deleteLocalFile(npmrcFileName);
} else {
npmrc = await readLocalFile(npmrcFileName, 'utf8');
if (npmrc?.includes('package-lock')) {
logger.debug('Stripping package-lock setting from npmrc');
npmrc = npmrc.replace(/(^|\n)package-lock.*?(\n|$)/g, '\n');
if (npmrc) {
if (npmrc.includes('=${') && !(global.trustLevel === 'high')) {
logger.debug('Discarding .npmrc file with variables');
ignoreNpmrcFile = true;
npmrc = undefined;
await deleteLocalFile(npmrcFileName);
} else {
npmrc = undefined;
const yarnrcFileName = getSiblingFileName(fileName, '.yarnrc');
const yarnrc = (await readLocalFile(yarnrcFileName, 'utf8')) || undefined;
let lernaDir: string;
let lernaPackages: string[];
let lernaClient: 'yarn' | 'npm';
let hasFileRefs = false;
let lernaJson: { packages: string[]; npmClient: string };
try {
const lernaJsonFileName = getSiblingFileName(fileName, 'lerna.json');
lernaJson = JSON.parse(await readLocalFile(lernaJsonFileName, 'utf8'));
} catch (err) /* istanbul ignore next */ {
logger.warn({ err }, 'Could not parse lerna.json');
if (lernaJson) {
lernaDir = dirname(fileName);
lernaPackages = lernaJson.packages;
lernaClient =
lernaJson.npmClient === 'yarn' || lockFiles.yarnLock ? 'yarn' : 'npm';
const depTypes = {
dependencies: 'dependency',
devDependencies: 'devDependency',
optionalDependencies: 'optionalDependency',
peerDependencies: 'peerDependency',
engines: 'engine',
volta: 'volta',
resolutions: 'resolutions',
const compatibility: Record<string, any> = {};
function extractDependency(
depType: string,
depName: string,
input: string
): PackageDependency {
const dep: PackageDependency = {};
if (!validateNpmPackageName(depName).validForOldPackages) {
dep.skipReason = SkipReason.InvalidName;
return dep;
if (typeof input !== 'string') {
dep.skipReason = SkipReason.InvalidValue;
return dep;
dep.currentValue = input.trim();
if (depType === 'engines') {
if (depName === 'node') {
dep.datasource = datasourceGithubTags.id;
dep.lookupName = 'nodejs/node';
dep.versioning = nodeVersioning.id;
compatibility.node = dep.currentValue;
} else if (depName === 'yarn') {
dep.datasource = datasourceNpm.id;
dep.commitMessageTopic = 'Yarn';
compatibility.yarn = dep.currentValue;
} else if (depName === 'npm') {
dep.datasource = datasourceNpm.id;
dep.commitMessageTopic = 'npm';
compatibility.npm = dep.currentValue;
} else if (depName === 'pnpm') {
dep.datasource = datasourceNpm.id;
dep.commitMessageTopic = 'pnpm';
compatibility.pnpm = dep.currentValue;
} else {
dep.skipReason = SkipReason.UnknownEngines;
if (!isValid(dep.currentValue)) {
dep.skipReason = SkipReason.UnknownVersion;
return dep;
// support for volta
if (depType === 'volta') {
if (depName === 'node') {
dep.datasource = datasourceGithubTags.id;
dep.lookupName = 'nodejs/node';
dep.versioning = nodeVersioning.id;
} else if (depName === 'yarn') {
dep.datasource = datasourceNpm.id;
dep.commitMessageTopic = 'Yarn';
} else {
dep.skipReason = SkipReason.UnknownVolta;
if (!isValid(dep.currentValue)) {
dep.skipReason = SkipReason.UnknownVersion;
return dep;
if (dep.currentValue.startsWith('npm:')) {
dep.npmPackageAlias = true;
const valSplit = dep.currentValue.replace('npm:', '').split('@');
if (valSplit.length === 2) {
dep.lookupName = valSplit[0];
dep.currentValue = valSplit[1];
} else if (valSplit.length === 3) {
dep.lookupName = valSplit[0] + '@' + valSplit[1];
dep.currentValue = valSplit[2];
} else {
logger.debug('Invalid npm package alias: ' + dep.currentValue);
if (dep.currentValue.startsWith('file:')) {
dep.skipReason = SkipReason.File;
hasFileRefs = true;
return dep;
if (isValid(dep.currentValue)) {
dep.datasource = datasourceNpm.id;
if (dep.currentValue === '*') {
dep.skipReason = SkipReason.AnyVersion;
if (dep.currentValue === '') {
dep.skipReason = SkipReason.Empty;
return dep;
const hashSplit = dep.currentValue.split('#');
if (hashSplit.length !== 2) {
dep.skipReason = SkipReason.UnknownVersion;
return dep;
const [depNamePart, depRefPart] = hashSplit;
const githubOwnerRepo = depNamePart
.replace(/^github:/, '')
.replace(/^git\+/, '')
.replace(/^https:\/\/github\.com\//, '')
.replace(/\.git$/, '');
const githubRepoSplit = githubOwnerRepo.split('/');
if (githubRepoSplit.length !== 2) {
dep.skipReason = SkipReason.UnknownVersion;
return dep;
const [githubOwner, githubRepo] = githubRepoSplit;
const githubValidRegex = /^[a-z\d](?:[a-z\d]|-(?=[a-z\d])){0,38}$/;
if (
!githubValidRegex.test(githubOwner) ||
) {
dep.skipReason = SkipReason.UnknownVersion;
return dep;
if (isVersion(depRefPart)) {
dep.currentRawValue = dep.currentValue;
dep.currentValue = depRefPart;
dep.datasource = datasourceGithubTags.id;
dep.lookupName = githubOwnerRepo;
dep.pinDigests = false;
} else if (
/^[0-9a-f]{7}$/.test(depRefPart) ||
) {
dep.currentRawValue = dep.currentValue;
dep.currentValue = null;
dep.currentDigest = depRefPart;
dep.datasource = datasourceGithubTags.id;
dep.lookupName = githubOwnerRepo;
} else {
dep.skipReason = SkipReason.UnversionedReference;
return dep;
dep.githubRepo = githubOwnerRepo;
dep.sourceUrl = `https://github.com/${githubOwnerRepo}`;
dep.gitRef = true;
return dep;
for (const depType of Object.keys(depTypes)) {
if (packageJson[depType]) {
try {
for (const [key, val] of Object.entries(
packageJson[depType] as NpmPackageDependeny
)) {
const depName = parseDepName(depType, key);
const dep: PackageDependency = {
if (depName !== key) {
dep.managerData = { key };
Object.assign(dep, extractDependency(depType, depName, val));
if (depName === 'node') {
// This is a special case for Node.js to group it together with other managers
dep.commitMessageTopic = 'Node.js';
dep.major = { enabled: false };
dep.prettyDepType = depTypes[depType];
} catch (err) /* istanbul ignore next */ {
logger.debug({ fileName, depType, err }, 'Error parsing package.json');
return null;
if (deps.length === 0) {
logger.debug('Package file has no deps');
if (
packageJsonName ||
packageJsonVersion ||
npmrc ||
lernaDir ||
) {
logger.debug('Skipping file');
return null;
let skipInstalls = config.skipInstalls;
if (skipInstalls === null) {
if (hasFileRefs) {
// https://github.com/npm/cli/issues/1432
// Explanation:
// - npm install --package-lock-only is buggy for transitive deps in file: references
// - So we set skipInstalls to false if file: refs are found *and* the user hasn't explicitly set the value already
logger.debug('Automatically setting skipInstalls to false');
skipInstalls = false;
} else {
skipInstalls = true;
return {
export async function postExtract(packageFiles: PackageFile[]): Promise<void> {
await getLockedVersions(packageFiles);
export async function extractAllPackageFiles(
config: ExtractConfig,
packageFiles: string[]
): Promise<PackageFile[]> {
const npmFiles: PackageFile[] = [];
for (const packageFile of packageFiles) {
const content = await readLocalFile(packageFile, 'utf8');
// istanbul ignore else
if (content) {
const deps = await extractPackageFile(content, packageFile, config);
if (deps) {
} else {
logger.debug({ packageFile }, 'packageFile has no content');
await postExtract(npmFiles);
return npmFiles;