2017-07-18 07:33:37 +02:00

87 lines
2.1 KiB

// Jest Snapshot v1,
exports[`config/index mergeChildConfig(parentConfig, childConfig) merges 1`] = `
Object {
"branchName": "renovate/lock-files",
"commitMessage": "{{semanticPrefix}}Update lock file",
"enabled": true,
"groupName": "Lock File Maintenance",
"prBody": "This {{#if isGitHub}}Pull{{else}}Merge{{/if}} Request updates \`package.json\` lock files to use the latest dependency versions.
{{#if schedule}}
**Note**: This PR was created on a configured schedule (\\"{{schedule}}\\"{{#if timezone}} in timezone \`{{timezone}}\`{{/if}}) and will not receive updates outside those times.
{{#if hasErrors}}
### Errors
Renovate encountered some errors when processing your repository, so you are being notified here even if they do not directly apply to this PR.
{{#each errors as |error|}}
- \`{{error.depName}}\`: {{error.message}}
{{#if hasWarnings}}
### Warnings
Please make sure the following warnings are safe to ignore:
{{#each warnings as |warning|}}
- \`{{warning.depName}}\`: {{warning.message}}
This {{#if isGitHub}}PR{{else}}MR{{/if}} has been generated by [Renovate Bot](",
"prTitle": "{{semanticPrefix}}Lock file maintenance",
"recreateClosed": true,
"schedule": "on monday",
exports[`config/index mergeChildConfig(parentConfig, childConfig) merges depTypes with meaningful child 1`] = `
Array [
Object {
"depType": "dependencies",
"semanticPrefix": "fix(deps): ",
Object {
"depType": "devDependencies",
"foo": 1,
Object {
"depType": "optionalDependencies",
Object {
"depType": "peerDependencies",
"enabled": false,
exports[`config/index mergeChildConfig(parentConfig, childConfig) merges depTypes with no child config 1`] = `
Array [
Object {
"depType": "dependencies",
"semanticPrefix": "fix(deps): ",
Object {
"depType": "devDependencies",
Object {
"depType": "optionalDependencies",
Object {
"depType": "peerDependencies",
"enabled": false,