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Azure DevOps setup How to setup Renovate for Azure DevOps

Azure DevOps setup

This document explains how to setup Renovate for use on Azure DevOps.

Setting up a new pipeline

Create a brand new pipeline within Azure DevOps, and select your source: Azure DevOps create new pipeline

Then select your repository.

Within Configure your pipeline select: Starter pipeline Azure DevOps starter pipeline template

Replace all content in the starter pipeline with:

  - cron: '0 3 * * *'
    displayName: 'Every day at 3am'
      include: [master]

trigger: none

  vmImage: ubuntu-latest

  - task: npmAuthenticate@0
      workingFile: .npmrc

  - bash: |
      git config --global ''
      git config --global 'Renovate Bot'
      npx --userconfig .npmrc renovate      
      TOKEN: $(System.AccessToken)

Create a .npmrc file

Create a .npmrc file in your repository:


For the registry key, replace YOUR-ORG with your Azure DevOps organization and YOUR-FEED with your Azure Artifacts feed.

Create a config.js file

Create a config.js file in your repository:

module.exports = {
  platform: 'azure',
  endpoint: '',
  token: process.env.TOKEN,
  hostRules: [
      hostName: '',
      username: 'apikey',
      password: process.env.TOKEN,
  repositories: ['YOUR-PROJECT/YOUR-REPO'],

For the endpoint key, replace YOUR-ORG with your Azure DevOps organization. For the repositories key, replace YOUR-PROJECT/YOUR-REPO with your Azure DevOps project and repository.

Add renovate.json file

Additionally, you can create a renovate.json file which holds the Renovate configuration, in the root of the repo. Read more about the Renovate configuration options

Using a single pipeline to update multiple repositories

If you want to use a single Renovate pipeline to update multiple repositories you must take the following steps.

Add the names of the repositories to config.js. Make sure that the "Project Collection Build Service (YOUR-PROJECT)" user has the following permissions on the repositories:

  • Contribute
  • Contribute to pull requests
  • Create branch